#21 configurator stay in home-assistant dashboard while it has been removed.

1 jaar geleden werd geopend door JJLacrampe · 0 opmerkingen

using https, I could not use configurator anymore. soi, I have

  • stopped home-assistant-snap
  • disconnected home-assistant-configurator from home-assistant-snap
  • removed the snap of fome-assistant-terminator
  • started home-assistant-snap and the entry configurator stays in dashboard.
  • How can I erase it?
  • conversely, i fave installed and connected code-server, is there any way to introduce it in the dashboard?
using https, I could not use configurator anymore. soi, I have - stopped home-assistant-snap - disconnected home-assistant-configurator from home-assistant-snap - removed the snap of fome-assistant-terminator - started home-assistant-snap and the entry configurator stays in dashboard. - How can I erase it? - conversely, i fave installed and connected code-server, is there any way to introduce it in the dashboard?
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