Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Fix typo and remove default

Joachim M. Giæver 2 gadi atpakaļ

+ 0 - 54

@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-  name: Motion-activated Light
-  description: Turn on a light when motion is detected.
-  domain: automation
-  source_url: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/blob/dev/homeassistant/components/automation/blueprints/motion_light.yaml
-  input:
-    motion_entity:
-      name: Motion Sensor
-      selector:
-        entity:
-          domain: binary_sensor
-          device_class: motion
-    light_target:
-      name: Light
-      selector:
-        target:
-          entity:
-            domain: light
-    no_motion_wait:
-      name: Wait time
-      description: Time to leave the light on after last motion is detected.
-      default: 120
-      selector:
-        number:
-          min: 0
-          max: 3600
-          unit_of_measurement: seconds
-# If motion is detected within the delay,
-# we restart the script.
-mode: restart
-max_exceeded: silent
-  platform: state
-  entity_id: !input motion_entity
-  from: "off"
-  to: "on"
-  - alias: "Turn on the light"
-    service: light.turn_on
-    target: !input light_target
-  - alias: "Wait until there is no motion from device"
-    wait_for_trigger:
-      platform: state
-      entity_id: !input motion_entity
-      from: "on"
-      to: "off"
-  - alias: "Wait the number of seconds that has been set"
-    delay: !input no_motion_wait
-  - alias: "Turn off the light"
-    service: light.turn_off
-    target: !input light_target

+ 1 - 1

@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ action:
           logger: "{{ scene_name }}"
           message: >-
             Light avg-brightness is: {{ brightness }}, now dimming lights 
-            with {{ (dim_percentage * 100)|int }}% to {{ dim_level }}".
+            with {{ (dim_percentage * 100)|int }}% to {{ dim_level }}.
       - alias: "Dim lights to a low brightness to alert no motion"
         service: light.turn_on