@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+ domain: automation
+ name: Motion detected lights
+ description: >-
+ Description
+ input:
+ trigger_sensors:
+ name: Trigger sensors
+ description: >-
+ Description
+ selector:
+ target:
+ entity:
+ domain: binary_sensor
+ synced_lights:
+ name: Synced lights
+ description: >-
+ Description
+ selector:
+ target:
+ entity:
+ domain: light
+ dim_percentage:
+ name: Dim-percentage
+ description: >-
+ Dim lights to this level (%) of current light level,
+ before turning lights off. Current level will be stored
+ in a scene. Setting this to 0.0 or 1.0 will skip this action.
+ default: 0.3
+ selector:
+ number:
+ max: 1.0
+ min: 0.0
+ step: 0.01
+ after_wait_actions:
+ name: Wait actions
+ description: >-
+ Actions to run to delay further, e.g wait until media player state is off,
+ housekeeping mode is off etc.
+ default: []
+ selector:
+ action:
+ wait_actions_before_dim:
+ name: Wait actions before dim
+ description: >-
+ Run wait actions before dimming down (not turning off). Set to false/OFF
+ if you want wait actions to run after dimming instead, but before turning
+ OFF completely.
+ default: true
+ selector:
+ boolean:
+ delay:
+ name: Delay
+ description: >-
+ Time (minutes) to wait to turn off after last movement was detected.
+ selector:
+ number:
+ min: 0.0
+ max: 300.0
+ step: 5.0
+ default: 3
+mode: restart
+ trigger_sensors_input: !input trigger_sensors
+ trigger_sensors: >-
+ {% set sensors = namespace(entities=[]) %}
+ {% if 'entity_id' in trigger_sensors_input %}
+ {% for entity in ([ trigger_sensors_input['entity_id'] ] if trigger_sensors_input['entity_id'] is string else trigger_sensors_input['entity_id']) %}
+ {% set sensors.entities = sensors.entities + [entity] %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if 'area_id' in trigger_sensors_input %}
+ {% for area in ([ trigger_sensors_input['area_id'] ] if trigger_sensors_input['area_id'] is string else trigger_sensors_input['area_id']) %}
+ {% for entity in area_entities(area) if entity.startswith('binary_sensor.') %}
+ {% set sensors.entities = sensors.entities + [entity] %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if 'device_id' in trigger_sensors_input %}
+ {% for device in ([ trigger_sensors_input['device_id'] ] if trigger_sensors_input['device_id'] is string else trigger_sensors_input['device_id']) %}
+ {% for entity in device_entities(device) if entity.startswith('binary_sensor.') %}
+ {% set sensors.entities = sensors.entities + [entity] %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {{ sensors.entities|unique|list }}
+ scene_name: >-
+ {{ this.entity_id.replace('.', '_') }}
+ - platform: template
+ value_template: >-
+ {% set sensors = namespace(triggered=false) %}
+ {% for sensor in trigger_sensors if is_state(sensor, 'on') %}
+ {% set sensors.triggered = true %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {{ sensors.triggered }}
+ - platform: event
+ event_type: "motion_detected_lights"
+ event_data:
+ end: "{{ scene_name }}"
+ synced_lights_inputs: !input synced_lights
+ synced_lights: >-
+ {% set lights = namespace(entities=[]) %}
+ {% if 'entity_id' in synced_lights_inputs %}
+ {% for entity in ([ synced_lights_inputs['entity_id'] ] if synced_lights_inputs['entity_id'] is string else synced_lights_inputs['entity_id']) %}
+ {% set lights.entities = lights.entities + [entity] %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if 'area_id' in synced_lights_inputs %}
+ {% for area in ([ synced_lights_inputs['area_id'] ] if synced_lights_inputs['area_id'] is string else synced_lights_inputs['area_id']) %}
+ {% for entity in area_entities(area) if entity.startswith('light.') %}
+ {% set lights.entities = lights.entities + [entity] %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if 'device_id' in synced_lights_inputs %}
+ {% for device in ([ synced_lights_inputs['device_id'] ] if synced_lights_inputs['device_id'] is string else synced_lights_inputs['device_id']) %}
+ {% for entity in device_entities(device) if entity.startswith('light.') %}
+ {% set lights.entities = lights.entities + [entity] %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {{ lights.entities|unique|list|sort }}
+ invalid_light: >-
+ {{ states.light|rejectattr('entity_id', 'in', synced_lights)|map(attribute='entity_id')|first }}
+ log_level: warning
+ dim_percentage: !input dim_percentage
+ delay_minutes: !input delay
+ delay_seconds: "{{ delay_minutes * 60 }}"
+ wait_actions_before_dim: !input wait_actions_before_dim
+ - alias: "Triggered on motion or (any) event"
+ if: "{{ trigger.platform != 'event' }}"
+ then:
+ - alias: "Turn on scene if it already exists, otherwise turn on lights."
+ continue_on_error: true
+ choose:
+ conditions: "{{ states.scene | selectattr('attributes.friendly_name', 'eq', scene_name) | list | count == 1 and synced_lights == state_attr('scene.' + scene_name, 'entity_id')|sort }}"
+ sequence:
+ - service: system_log.write
+ data:
+ level: "{{ log_level }}"
+ message: >-
+ Scene «{{ scene_name }}» already exists and contains all lights. Restore scene.
+ - alias: "Turn on scene for synced lights"
+ service: scene.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: "scene.{{scene_name}}"
+ default:
+ - service: system_log.write
+ continue_on_error: true
+ data:
+ level: "{{ log_level }}"
+ message: >-
+ Scene «{{ scene_name }} does NOT exist or is INVALID.
+ Entities to sync: {{ synced_lights }} => Turn ON every light sourcce.
+ - alias: "Turn on synced lights"
+ service: light.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: "{{ synced_lights }}"
+ - alias: >-
+ Listen for light changes and motion in parallel.
+ Save snapshorts to scene on light changes.
+ End this part of automation when motion stops.
+ parallel:
+ - alias: >-
+ Listen for light changes for as long as this automation lives,
+ means: until event is fired and automation is restarted.
+ repeat:
+ while: "{{ true }}"
+ sequence:
+ - alias: "Store variable with current light values (on or brightness)"
+ variables:
+ synced_lights_values: >-
+ {% set lights = namespace(values=[]) %}
+ {% for light in synced_lights %}
+ {%if is_state_attr(light, 'color_mode', 'brightness') %}
+ {% set lights.values = lights.values + [state_attr(light, 'brightness')] %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% set lights.values = lights.values + [states(light)] %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {{ lights.values }}
+ - alias: "Wait for change in any light source"
+ wait_template: >-
+ {% set lights = namespace(changed=false) %}
+ {% for light in synced_lights %}
+ {%if is_state_attr(light, 'color_mode', 'brightness') and state_attr(light, 'brightness') != synced_lights_values[loop.index - 1] %}
+ {% set lights.changed = true %}
+ {% elif not is_state_attr(light, 'color_mode', 'brightness') and states(light) != synced_lights_values[loop.index - 1] %}
+ {% set lights.changed = true %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {{ lights.changed }}
+ - service: system_log.write
+ data:
+ level: "{{ log_level }}"
+ message: >-
+ Light levels changed: {{ synced_lights }} from {{ synced_lights_values }}.
+ Saving snapshot to scene «{{ scene_name }}».
+ - alias: "Store variable a variable with ON lights."
+ variables:
+ synced_lights_on: >-
+ {% set lights = namespace(on=[]) %}
+ {% for light in synced_lights if not is_state(light, 'off') %}
+ {% set lights.on = lights.on + [light] %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {{ lights.on }}
+ - choose:
+ conditions: "{{ synced_lights_on|count == 0 }}"
+ sequence:
+ service: system_log.write
+ data:
+ level: "{{ log_level }}"
+ message: "No lights on: invalidating with {{ invalid_light }} which isn't in {{ synced_lights }}."
+ - alias: "Save scene for current change and return to loop. If no lights are ON; invalidate scene."
+ service: scene.create
+ data:
+ scene_id: "{{ scene_name }}"
+ snapshot_entities: >-
+ {{ synced_lights if synced_lights_on|count != 0 else [ invalid_light ] }}
+ - alias: >-
+ Listen for motion change, and wait for it to become 'OFF',
+ wait for the delay and actions to finish, and then send event to kill parallelism.
+ sequence:
+ - alias: "Wait for motion to end."
+ wait_template: >-
+ {% set sensors = namespace(triggered=false) %}
+ {% for sensor in trigger_sensors if is_state(sensor, 'on') %}
+ {% set sensors.triggered = true %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {{ not sensors.triggered }}
+ - service: system_log.write
+ data:
+ level: "{{ log_level }}"
+ message: >-
+ No motion detected by {{ trigger_sensors }}. Run wait actions
+ wait {{ (delay_seconds * 1/3)|int }} seconds,, then end
+ automation (parallelism) by issuing an event, and let automation «re-trigger».
+ - alias: "Run and wait for actions to finish"
+ choose:
+ conditions: >-
+ {{ wait_actions_before_dim }}
+ sequence: !input after_wait_actions
+ - alias: "Wait for delay to fire event."
+ delay:
+ seconds: "{{ (delay_seconds * 2/3)|int }}"
+ - alias: "Ending: Fire event to restart automation and kill parallel processes"
+ event: "motion_detected_lights"
+ event_data:
+ end: "{{ scene_name }}"
+ else:
+ - service: system_log.write
+ data:
+ level: "{{ log_level }}"
+ message: "Ending {{ scene_name }}, dim down and eventually turn off {{ synced_lights }}."
+ - alias: "Calculate average brightness and set dim level"
+ variables:
+ brightness: >-
+ {% set brightness = namespace(levels=[]) %}
+ {% for light in synced_lights if is_state(light, 'on') %}
+ {% if is_state_attr(light, 'color_mode', 'brightness') and state_attr(light, 'brightness')|int != 0 %}
+ {% set brightness.levels = brightness.levels + [ state_attr(light, 'brightness') ] %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% set brightness.levels = brightness.levels + [ 255 ] %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {{ 0.0 if brightness.levels|length == 0 else brightness.levels|sum / brightness.levels|length }}
+ dim_level: "{{ (brightness * dim_percentage)|int }}"
+ - service: system_log.write
+ data:
+ message: >-
+ Light avg-brightness is: {{ brightness }}, now dimming lights
+ with {{ (dim_percentage * 100)|int }}% to {{ dim_level }}".
+ level: "{{ log_level }}"
+ - alias: "Dim lights to a low brightness to alert no motion"
+ service: light.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: >-
+ {{ synced_lights }}
+ data:
+ brightness: "{{ dim_level }}"
+ - alias: "Run and wait for actions to finish"
+ choose:
+ conditions: >-
+ {{ not wait_actions_before_dim }}
+ sequence: !input after_wait_actions
+ - alias: "Wait for dim to be recognized by anyone before turning off lights"
+ delay:
+ seconds: "{{ (delay_seconds * 1/3)|int }}"
+ - alias: "Turn off lights"
+ service: light.turn_off
+ target:
+ entity_id: "{{ synced_lights }}"