@@ -15,107 +15,101 @@ blueprint:
Here's an example of a «happy birthday» script that will notify every device
and let each device action on it (send an sms or dismiss it) without affecting
- other users:
+ other users.
+ Example usage:
- birthday_wishes:
- mode: parallel
- sequence:
- - variables:
- blang: "{{ lang if lang is defined else none }}"
- bname: "{{ name|lower|title }}"
- bage: "{{ age|string + {1: 'st', 2: 'nd', 3: 'rd'}.get(4 if 10 <= age|int % 100 < 20 else age|int % 10, 'th') }}"
- - service: "{{ notify_device }}"
- data:
- message: command_activity
- data:
- intent_action: "android.intent.action.SENDTO"
- intent_uri: >-
- sms:{{ number }}?body={{-
- "🎼 «Hurra for deg som fyller ditt år, ja - deg vil jeg gratulere» 🎶 🎉 \n\n"
- }}{%- if blang == 'no_nb' -%}
- Gratulere med {{ age|default('') }}årsdagen, {{ bname }}! 🎂🎁 Håpe du får en fin dag 🥳
- {%- else -%}
- Happy {{ bage ~ ' ' if age else '' }}birthday, {{ bname }}! 🎂🎁 Hope'll get a beautiful day 🥳
- {%- endif -%}
+ notify_device:
+ alias: Notify device
+ fields:
+ notify_device:
+ name: "Device notify service"
+ description: "Device service, e.g notify.mobile_app_x"
+ selector:
+ object:
+ data:
+ name: Notification data
+ description: "Notification data, same as for notify-services"
+ selector:
+ object:
+ action_scripts:
+ name: Action scripts
+ description: >-
+ See blueprint
+ selector:
+ object:
+ default: {}
+ timeout:
+ name: "Timeout"
+ description: >-
+ Timeout before clearing event and stop waiting. 0 equals to never.
+ Respects «Days» too in YAML mode.
+ selector:
+ duration:
+ max: 200
+ use_blueprint:
+ path: notify_user.yaml
+ input:
+ notify_device: "{{ notify_device }}"
+ index: "{{ index if index is defined else 0 }}"
+ timeout: "{{ timeout if timeout is defined else 0 }}"
+ data: "{{ data }}"
+ action_scripts: "{{ action_scripts if action_scripts is defined else {} }}"
+ ```
- automation:
- - alias: "Birthday: Notify on birthday!"
- trigger:
- - platform: calendar
- event: start
- entity_id: calendar.ical_birthdays
- offset:
- hours: 10
- action:
- - repeat:
- for_each: "{{ birthdays }}"
- sequence:
- - repeat:
- for_each: "{{ notify_devices }}"
- sequence:
- service: script.turn_on
- target:
- entity_id: script.notify_device
- data:
- variables:
- notify_device: "{{ repeat.item }}"
- index: "{{ index }}-{{ repeat.index }}"
- timeout:
- hours: 14
- data:
- title: "It is {{ name }}'s birthday. 🎁"
- message: >-
- {% if age is not false %}
- {{ name }} is turning {{ age }} today.
- {% else %}
- {{ name }} is getting one year older today.
- {% endif %}
- Send your congratulations 🎉 to let him/her
- know that you appreciate them. 🥳
- data:
- actions:
- - action: SEND_SMS
- title: Send SMS
- - action: DISMISS
- title: Dismiss
- action_scripts:
- script: script.birthday_wishes
- variables:
- lang: "{{ lang }}"
- name: "{{ name }}"
- age: "{{ age }}"
- notify_device: "{{ repeat.item }}"
- number: "{{ phones|join(',') }}"
+ and call it:
+ ```
+ service: script.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: script.notify_device
+ data:
+ variables:
+ notify_device: "{{ notify.mobile_app_device }}"
+ data: (data as a normal "notify"-service)
+ message: "..."
+ data:
+ actions:
+ title: Do it now
+ action_scripts:
+ script: "script.my_script"
+ variables:
+ var1: "Variables my script need"
+ ´´´
+ Feel free to use it within a loop too:
+ ```
+ repeat:
+ for_each: >-
+ - device_1
+ - device_2
+ sequence:
+ - service: script.turn_on
+ [...]
+ data:
+ variables:
+ notify_device: "{{ repeat.item }}"
- name: "Devices to notify"
+ name: "Device to notify"
description: >-
The name of the notify service, e.g service.mobile_app_x
- object:
- index:
- name: Device index
- description: >-
- If called several times within same context, increase this for each.
- default:
- seconds: 0
- selector:
- number:
- min: 1
- max: 1000
- step: 1
+ object:
name: "Timeout"
description: >-
- Timeout before notifications dissapear.
+ Timeout before clearing notification and stop waiting. 0 equals to never.
+ Respects «Days» too in YAML mode. Timeout set here will override `data.data.timeout`
+ and visa-versa.
name: "Message data"
description: "Equal to data field in the notify service"
@@ -148,7 +142,7 @@ blueprint:
default: {}
name: "TTS"
description: "Not used yet"
@@ -160,149 +154,190 @@ mode: parallel
input_notify_device: !input notify_device
- index: !input index
- ctx: "{{ this.context.id + '_' + input_notify_device ~ '_' ~ index }}"
input_timeout: !input timeout
- update_timeout: >-
- {% set seconds = 0 %}
- {% if input_timeout is iterable %}
- {% if 'seconds' in input_timeout %}
- {% set seconds = seconds + input_timeout.seconds|int %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if 'minutes' in input_timeout %}
- {% set seconds = seconds + (input_timeout.minutes|int * 60 * 60) %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if 'hours' in input_timeout %}
- {% set seconds = seconds + ((input_timeout.hours|int) * 60 * 60) %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if 'days' in input_timeout %}
- {% set seconds = seconds + ((input_timeout.days|int) * 60 * 60 * 24) %}
- {% endif %}
- {% elif input_timeout is not iterable %}
- {% set seconds = input_timeout|int %}
- {% endif %}
- {{ 0 if seconds == 0 else (now().timestamp() + seconds) }}
input_data: !input data
- update_data: >-
- {% set data_data = (input_data.data.items() | list) if 'data' in input_data else [] %}
- {% if 'data' in input_data %}
- {% if 'actions' in input_data.data %}
- {% set action = namespace(entities=[]) %}
- {% for a in input_data.data.actions %}
- {% set update = {"action": ctx ~ '_' ~ a.action}.items() | list %}
- {% set current = a.items() | list | rejectattr(
- '0', 'eq', update | map(attribute='0') | list
- ) | list %}
- {% set action.entities = action.entities + [
- dict.from_keys(current + update)
- ] %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% set actions = { "actions": action.entities }.items() | list %}
- {% set data_data = dict.from_keys(data_data | rejectattr(
- '0', 'eq', actions | map(attribute='0') | list
- ) | list + actions).items() | list
- %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if 'group' not in input_data.data %}
- {% set add = { "group": "default-group" }.items() | list %}
- {% set data_data = dict.from_keys(data_data | rejectattr(
- '0', 'eq', add | map(attribute='0') | list
- ) | list + add).items() | list
- %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if (
- (
- 'alert_once' in input_data.data or
- 'actions' in input_data.data or
- 'persistent' in input_data.data
- ) and 'tag' not in input_data.data
- ) or (
- timeout != 0 and 'tag' not in input_data.data
- )
- %}
- {% set add = { "tag": "tag_" + ctx }.items() | list %}
- {% set data_data = dict.from_keys(data_data | rejectattr(
- '0', 'eq', add | map(attribute='0') | list
- ) | list + add).items() | list
- %}
- {% endif %}
- {% else %}
- {% if timeout != 0 %}
- {% set add = { "tag": "tag_" + ctx }.items() | list %}
- {% set data_data = dict.from_keys(data_data | rejectattr(
- '0', 'eq', add | map(attribute='0') | list
- ) | list + add).items() | list
- %}
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if data_data|length != 0 %}
- {% set data_data = {"data": dict.from_keys(data_data)}.items() | list %}
- {{ dict.from_keys((input_data.items() | list | rejectattr(
- '0', 'eq', data_data | map(attribute='0') | list
- ) | list) + data_data) }}
- {% else %}
- {{ input_data }}
- {% endif %}
action_scripts: !input action_scripts
- action_handlers: >-
- {% set actions = namespace(handlers=[]) %}
- {% for ask in action_scripts.keys() %}
- {% set askc = ctx ~ '_' ~ ask %}
- {% for action in update_data.data.actions if askc == action.action %}
- {% set actions.handlers = actions.handlers + [(
- askc, action_scripts[ask]
- )] %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% endfor %}
- {{ dict.from_keys(actions.handlers) }}
- - alias: "Parallize event listeners and notification"
+ - variables:
+ device_name: "{{ input_notify_device.replace('notify.mobile_app_', '') }}"
+ ctx: "{{ context.id ~ '_' ~ device_name }}"
+ device_id: >-
+ {{ dict.from_keys(device_attr(device_id('device_tracker.' ~ device_name), 'identifiers')).mobile_app }}
+ update_timeout: >-
+ {% if 'data' in input_data and 'timeout' in input_data.data %}
+ {{ input_data.data.timeout|int }}
+ {% else %}
+ {% set seconds = 0 %}
+ {% if input_timeout is iterable %}
+ {% if 'seconds' in input_timeout %}
+ {% set seconds = seconds + input_timeout.seconds|int %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if 'minutes' in input_timeout %}
+ {% set seconds = seconds + (input_timeout.minutes|int * 60 * 60) %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if 'hours' in input_timeout %}
+ {% set seconds = seconds + ((input_timeout.hours|int) * 60 * 60) %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if 'days' in input_timeout %}
+ {% set seconds = seconds + ((input_timeout.days|int) * 60 * 60 * 24) %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% elif input_timeout is not iterable %}
+ {% set seconds = input_timeout|int %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {{ false if seconds <= 0 else (now().timestamp() + seconds) }}
+ {% endif %}
+ update_data: >-
+ {% set data_data = (input_data.data.items() | list) if 'data' in input_data else [] %}
+ {% if 'data' in input_data %}
+ {% if 'actions' in input_data.data %}
+ {% set action = namespace(entities=[]) %}
+ {% for a in input_data.data.actions %}
+ {% set update = {"action": ctx ~ '_' ~ a.action}.items() | list %}
+ {% set current = a.items() | list | rejectattr(
+ '0', 'eq', update | map(attribute='0') | list
+ ) | list %}
+ {% set action.entities = action.entities + [
+ dict.from_keys(current + update)
+ ] %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% set actions = { "actions": action.entities }.items() | list %}
+ {% set data_data = dict.from_keys(data_data | rejectattr(
+ '0', 'eq', actions | map(attribute='0') | list
+ ) | list + actions).items() | list
+ %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if 'timeout' not in input_data and update_timeout is not false %}
+ {% set add = { "timeout": update_timeout|int }.items() | list %}
+ {% set data_data = dict.from_keys(data_data | rejectattr(
+ '0', 'eq', add | map(attribute='0') | list
+ ) | list + add).items() | list
+ %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if 'group' not in input_data.data %}
+ {% set add = { "group": "default-group" }.items() | list %}
+ {% set data_data = dict.from_keys(data_data | rejectattr(
+ '0', 'eq', add | map(attribute='0') | list
+ ) | list + add).items() | list
+ %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if (
+ (
+ 'alert_once' in input_data.data or
+ 'actions' in input_data.data or
+ 'persistent' in input_data.data
+ ) and 'tag' not in input_data.data
+ ) or (
+ update_timeout is not false and 'tag' not in input_data.data
+ )
+ %}
+ {% set add = { "tag": "tag_" + ctx }.items() | list %}
+ {% set data_data = dict.from_keys(data_data | rejectattr(
+ '0', 'eq', add | map(attribute='0') | list
+ ) | list + add).items() | list
+ %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% if update_timeout is not false %}
+ {% set add = { "tag": "tag_" + ctx, 'timeout': update_timeout|int }.items() | list %}
+ {% set data_data = dict.from_keys(data_data | rejectattr(
+ '0', 'eq', add | map(attribute='0') | list
+ ) | list + add).items() | list
+ %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if data_data|length != 0 %}
+ {% set data_data = {"data": dict.from_keys(data_data)}.items() | list %}
+ {{ dict.from_keys((input_data.items() | list | rejectattr(
+ '0', 'eq', data_data | map(attribute='0') | list
+ ) | list) + data_data) }}
+ {% else %}
+ {{ input_data }}
+ {% endif %}
+ action_handlers: >-
+ {% set actions = namespace(handlers=[]) %}
+ {% for ask in action_scripts.keys() %}
+ {% set askc = ctx ~ '_' ~ ask %}
+ {% for action in update_data.data.actions if askc == action.action %}
+ {% set actions.handlers = actions.handlers + [(
+ askc, action_scripts[ask]
+ )] %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {{ dict.from_keys(actions.handlers) }}
+ - alias: "Parallize event and action listeners"
- - alias: "Listen for event if actions are given"
- if: "{{ action_handlers|length > 0 }}"
- then:
- - alias: "Loop for events until criterias are met"
- repeat:
- while: "{{ (update_timeout - now().timestamp() > 0) or update_timeout == 0 }}"
- sequence:
- - if: "{{ update_timeout == 0 }}"
- then:
- alias: "Wait for app event, without timeout"
- wait_for_trigger:
- - platform: event
- event_type:
- - mobile_app_notification_action
- - mobile_app_notification_cleared
- else:
- alias: "Wait for app event, with timeout"
- wait_for_trigger:
- - platform: event
- event_type:
- - mobile_app_notification_action
- - mobile_app_notification_cleared
- timeout: >-
- {{ update_timeout - now().timestamp() }}
+ - sequence: []
+ - alias: "Listen for event if actions are given"
+ if: "{{ action_handlers|length > 0 or update_timeout is not false }}"
+ then:
+ - alias: "Loop for events until criterias are met"
+ repeat:
+ while: "{{ (update_timeout - now().timestamp() > 0) or update_timeout == 0 }}"
+ sequence:
+ - if: "{{ update_timeout == 0 }}"
+ then:
+ alias: "Wait for app event, without timeout"
+ wait_for_trigger:
+ - platform: event
+ event_type:
+ - mobile_app_notification_action
+ - mobile_app_notification_cleared
+ event_data:
+ device_id: "{{ device_id }}"
+ else:
+ alias: "Wait for app event, with timeout"
+ wait_for_trigger:
+ - platform: event
+ event_type:
+ - mobile_app_notification_action
+ - mobile_app_notification_cleared
+ event_data:
+ device_id: "{{ device_id }}"
+ - platform: event
+ event_type: 'context_notification_clear'
+ event_data:
+ context: "{{ context.id }}"
+ timeout: >-
+ {{ update_timeout - now().timestamp() }}
+ - if: "{{ wait.trigger is none }}"
+ then:
+ alias: "Reached timeout, ending."
+ stop: "Reached timeout, ending."
- - if: "{{ wait.trigger is none }}"
- then:
- alias: "Reached timeout, stopping."
- stop: "Reached timeout, stopping."
- - variables:
- in_ctx: >-
+ - alias: "Check if the notification was cleared (completed) by another device."
+ if: "{{ wait.trigger.event.event_type == 'context_notification_clear' }}"
+ then:
+ - alias: "Clear notification on other devices, task was completed"
+ service: "{{ input_notify_device }}"
+ data:
+ message: "clear_notification"
+ data:
+ tag: "{{ update_data.data.tag }}"
+ - alias: "And give a 20 seconds notification on other devices that it was cleared."
+ service: "{{ input_notify_device }}"
+ data:
+ title: "Notification completed"
+ message: >-
+ {{ wait.trigger.event.data.user.split(' ')[0] }} completed the notification «{{
+ (update_data.title if 'title' else update_data.message)[0:20]
+ }}...»
+ data:
+ color: "#688840"
+ timeout: 20
+ notification_icon: >-
+ {{ update_data.data.notification_icon if 'data' in update_data and 'notification_icon' in update_data.data else 'mdi:checkbox-marked-circle-plus-outline' }}
+ - alias: "Notification cleared by another user, ending."
+ stop: "Notification cleared by another user, ending."
+ - alias: "Check that the notification is within this context"
+ condition: >-
{% set in_ctx = namespace(bool=false) %}
{% for key in wait.trigger.event.data.keys() if key.startswith('action') and key.endswith('key') %}
{% if wait.trigger.event.data[key].startswith(ctx) %}
@@ -311,83 +346,55 @@ sequence:
{% endfor %}
{{ in_ctx.bool }}
- - alias: "Check if context matches or restart from top"
- condition: "{{ in_ctx }}"
+ - if: "{{ wait.trigger.event.event_type.endswith('_cleared') }}"
+ then:
+ alias: "User cleared notification, stop listening for events."
+ stop: "User cleared notification, stop listening for events."
- - if: >-
- {{
- wait.trigger.event.event_type.endswith('_cleared') or
- wait.trigger.event.data.action not in action_handlers.keys()
- }}
- then:
- - alias: "Cleared event within user context"
- event: custom_mobile_app_notification_action
- event_data:
- context: "{{ ctx }}"
- action: "cleared"
- - stop: "User cleared notification or choose an invalid option, stop listening for events."
+ - service: system_log.write
+ data:
+ level: warning
+ message: >-
+ Context: {{ ctx }}\n
+ Event-type: {{ wait.trigger.event.event_type }}\n
+ Event-action: {{ wait.trigger.event.data.action }}
- - event: custom_mobile_app_notification_action
- event_data:
- context: "{{ ctx }}"
- action: "{{ wait.trigger.event.data.action }}"
- - stop: "User acted within context, stop listening for further events."
+ - if: "{{ wait.trigger.event.data.action.endswith('_DISMISS_ALL') }}"
+ then:
+ event: context_notification_clear
+ event_data:
+ context: "{{ context.id }}"
+ user: '{{ states.person|selectattr("attributes.user_id", "==", wait.trigger.event.context.user_id)|map(attribute="attributes.friendly_name")|first }}'
- - alias: "Listen for forwarded events"
- if: "{{ action_handlers|length > 0 or update_timeout != 0 }}"
- then:
- - if: "{{ update_timeout == 0 }}"
- then:
- alias: "Wait for context event, without timeout"
- wait_for_trigger:
- - platform: event
- event_type: custom_mobile_app_notification_action
- event_data:
- context: "{{ ctx }}"
- else:
- alias: "Wait for context event, with timeout"
- wait_for_trigger:
- - platform: event
- event_type: custom_mobile_app_notification_action
- event_data:
- context: "{{ ctx }}"
- timeout: >-
- {{ update_timeout - now().timestamp() }}
+ - variables:
+ action: >-
+ {{ action_handlers[ wait.trigger.event.data.action ]|default(false) }}
- - alias: "Check if timed out and remove notification"
- if: "{{ wait.trigger == none }}"
- then:
- alias: "Clear notification, timeout reached."
- service: "{{ input_notify_device }}"
- data:
- message: "clear_notification"
- data:
- tag: "{{ data.data.tag }}"
- else:
- - variables:
- action: >-
- {% set action = wait.trigger.event.data.action %}
- {{ action_handlers[action] if action in action_handlers else false }}
+ - service: system_log.write
+ data:
+ level: warning
+ message: "Action: {{ action }}"
- - alias: "Action is known or stop executing"
- condition: "{{ action is not false }}"
+ - alias: "Check if the action is associated with a script"
+ if: "{{ not action }}"
+ then:
+ - stop: "Action is not associated with any scripts, ending."
- - if: "{{ action is string or 'variables' not in action }}"
- then:
- service: script.turn_on
- target:
- entity_id: "{{ script }}"
- else:
- service: script.turn_on
- target:
- entity_id: "{{ action.script }}"
- data:
- variables: "{{ action.variables }}"
+ - if: "{{ action is string or 'variables' not in action }}"
+ then:
+ service: script.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: "{{ script }}"
+ else:
+ service: script.turn_on
+ target:
+ entity_id: "{{ action.script }}"
+ data:
+ variables: "{{ action.variables }}"
+ - alias: Send message to device
+ service: "{{ input_notify_device }}"
- - alias: Send message to device
- service: "{{ input_notify_device }}"
- data: >-
- {{ update_data }}
+ data: >-
+ {{ update_data }}