Read forecast data from

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.gitmodules 680204ab8f Add forecast data, filtering and variation il y a 5 ans
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index.php 680204ab8f Add forecast data, filtering and variation il y a 5 ans
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Sami Markdown Extension

Table of content

  1. App
    1. Yr
      1. Forecast
        1. Location Get information about the location,such as name, timezone and geodata
        2. Tabular
          1. Time
            1. AbstractUnit Time-object entity should inherit this
            2. DiffInterface Defines that an entity can be checked for differencesagains another entity.
            3. Pressure Airpressure
            4. Symbol Contains the sky data, e.g «Clody» etc
            5. Temperature Temperature
            6. WindDirection Wind direction
            7. WindSpeed Wind speed
          2. Statistics Make simple statistic on analysed time objects,such as highest/lowest wind speed and temperature,average wind speed and temperature etc.
          3. Time Forecast data witin a time period
          4. Variations Removes superfluous forecast data in an Time-objectonly storing changes.
        3. Tabular Holds the forecast data in Time-objects.
      2. Forecast Read forecast data from for a specific location.





Forecast App\Yr

  • Class is final

Read forecast data from for a specific location.

Disclaimer: To use this package you are required to print the credits from the method getCredit()


Name Return Access Description
__construct public
getLocation Location public Returns the location data for the forecast
getCredit array final public Return the credit to, Meterogical Institute and NRK
getSunrise ateTimeImmutable public Returns the time when the sun rise for the location
getSunset ateTimeImmutable public Returns the time when the sun sets for the location
getLinks enerator public Returns links for forecasts in other formats
getLastUpdate ateTimeImmutable public Return the time when this forecast was last update
getNextUpdate ateTimeImmutable public Return the time when this forecast will update next
getTabular Tabular public Get the forecast data

Method details

__construct App\Yr\Forecast
public function __construct(string $url);


Type Variable Description
string $url The XML url to load data from

getLocation App\Yr\Forecast
public function getLocation();

Returns the location data for the forecast

Returns: Location

getCredit App\Yr\Forecast
final public function getCredit();

Return the credit to, Meterogical Institute and NRK

Returns: array

getSunrise App\Yr\Forecast
public function getSunrise();

Returns the time when the sun rise for the location

Returns: ateTimeImmutable

getSunset App\Yr\Forecast
public function getSunset();

Returns the time when the sun sets for the location

Returns: ateTimeImmutable

getLinks App\Yr\Forecast
public function getLinks();

Returns links for forecasts in other formats

Returns: enerator

getLastUpdate App\Yr\Forecast
public function getLastUpdate();

Return the time when this forecast was last update

Returns: ateTimeImmutable

getNextUpdate App\Yr\Forecast
public function getNextUpdate();

Return the time when this forecast will update next

Returns: ateTimeImmutable

getTabular App\Yr\Forecast
public function getTabular();

Get the forecast data

Returns: Tabular



Location App\Yr\Forecast

  • Class is final

Get information about the location, such as name, timezone and geodata


Name Return Access Description
__construct public
getName string public Get the location name, e.g «Tromsø»
getType string public Get the location type, e.g «City - large town»
getCountry string public Get the location country
getTimeZone ateTimeZone public Get the location timezone
getGeoData array public Returns the geodata, in the format[ 'lat' => (float), 'lng' => (float), 'alt' => (float),]

Method details

__construct App\Yr\Forecast\Location
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement $xml);


Type Variable Description
SimpleXMLElement $xml The xml-part containing the location data

getName App\Yr\Forecast\Location
public function getName();

Get the location name, e.g «Tromsø»

Returns: string

getType App\Yr\Forecast\Location
public function getType();

Get the location type, e.g «City - large town»

Returns: string

getCountry App\Yr\Forecast\Location
public function getCountry();

Get the location country

Returns: string

getTimeZone App\Yr\Forecast\Location
public function getTimeZone();

Get the location timezone

Returns: ateTimeZone

getGeoData App\Yr\Forecast\Location
public function getGeoData();

Returns the geodata, in the format

     'lat' => (float),
     'lng' => (float),
     'alt' => (float),

Returns: array

Tabular App\Yr\Forecast

Holds the forecast data in Time-objects.

Use the getBetween option to limit the results.

Class also makes a simple statistic on the forecast for the periode and a variation that will exclude repetitive forecast data.


Name Return Access Description
__construct public
addTime Tabular protected Add a Time-object to the tabular
getStatistics Statistics public Get statistics for the Time-object collection
getVariations Variations public Remove superfluous weather data.
getBetween Tabular public Filter data between a certain periode, e.g$forcast->between( $forcast->getSunset(), $forecast->getSunrise()->add( new \DateInterval('P1D') ));to only show from sunset today unti sunrise tomorrow
getIterator enerator public {@inheritDoc}

Method details

__construct App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement null $xml);


Type Variable Description
SimpleXMLElement null $xml The xml part holding the time objects, can be null

addTime App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular
protected function addTime(Time $time);

Add a Time-object to the tabular


Type Variable Description
Time $time None

Returns: Tabular

getStatistics App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular
public function getStatistics();

Get statistics for the Time-object collection

Returns: Statistics

getVariations App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular
public function getVariations();

Remove superfluous weather data.

Checks if the data in the Time-object differs from the current Time-object and returns the unique data

Returns: Variations

getBetween App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular
public function getBetween(DateTimeInterface $from, DateTimeInterface $until);

Filter data between a certain periode, e.g

     new \DateInterval('P1D')

to only show from sunset today unti sunrise tomorrow


Type Variable Description
DateTimeInterface $from None
DateTimeInterface $until None

Returns: Tabular

getIterator App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular
public function getIterator();


Returns: enerator



Statistics App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular

Make simple statistic on analysed time objects, such as highest/lowest wind speed and temperature, average wind speed and temperature etc.


Name Return Access Description
__construct public
analyse Statistics public Analyse a single Time-object

Method details

__construct App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Statistics
public function __construct();

analyse App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Statistics
public function analyse(Time $t);

Analyse a single Time-object


Type Variable Description
Time $t The time object.

Returns: Statistics

Time App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular

Forecast data witin a time period


Name Return Access Description
__construct public
getPeriod int public Returns the which index in the forecastits for.
getFrom ateTimeImmutable public Returns the time this forecast is from
getUntil ateTimeImmutable public Returns the time this forecast is to/until.
getSymbol Symbol public Returns the «symbol» (e.g Clody etc)
getWindDirection WindDirection public Returns the wind direction
getWindSpeed WindSpeed public Returns the wind speed
getTemperature Temperature public Returns the temperature
getPressure Pressure public Returns the pressure
getIterator enerator public {@inheritDoc}
__toString string public

Method details

__construct App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement $xml);


Type Variable Description
SimpleXMLElement $xml The xml holding the time-object

getPeriod App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time
public function getPeriod();

Returns the which index in the forecast its for.

Returns: int

getFrom App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time
public function getFrom();

Returns the time this forecast is from

Returns: ateTimeImmutable

getUntil App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time
public function getUntil();

Returns the time this forecast is to/until.

Returns: ateTimeImmutable

getSymbol App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time
public function getSymbol();

Returns the «symbol» (e.g Clody etc)

Returns: Symbol

getWindDirection App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time
public function getWindDirection();

Returns the wind direction

Returns: WindDirection

getWindSpeed App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time
public function getWindSpeed();

Returns the wind speed

Returns: WindSpeed

getTemperature App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time
public function getTemperature();

Returns the temperature

Returns: Temperature

getPressure App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time
public function getPressure();

Returns the pressure

Returns: Pressure

getIterator App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time
public function getIterator();


Returns: enerator

__toString App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time
public function __toString();

Returns: string

Variations App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular

Removes superfluous forecast data in an Time-object only storing changes.


Name Return Access Description
__construct public
getData array public Returns the changes in the forecast

Method details

__construct App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Variations
public function __construct(array $t);


Type Variable Description
array $t Array of Time-objects

getData App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Variations
public function getData(callable $filterFn = null);

Returns the changes in the forecast


Type Variable Description
callable $filterFn None

Returns: array



AbstractUnit App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time

Time-object entity should inherit this


Name Return Access Description
__construct public
getValue float public Get the value
getUnit string public Return the unit (e.g «degree»)
diff int public Check for differences with another DiffInterface.
__toString string public

Method details

__construct App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\AbstractUnit
public function __construct(float $value, string $unit);


Type Variable Description
float $value The value
string $unit The unit

getValue App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\AbstractUnit
public function getValue();

Get the value

Returns: float

getUnit App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\AbstractUnit
public function getUnit();

Return the unit (e.g «degree»)

Returns: string

diff App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\AbstractUnit
public function diff(DiffInterface $d);

Check for differences with another DiffInterface.

The method should check that the objects is the same.


Type Variable Description
DiffInterface $d None

Returns: int

__toString App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\AbstractUnit
public function __toString();

Returns: string

Pressure App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time



Name Return Access Description
__construct public
isLowPressure bool public Check if the pressure is below normal pressure
isHighPressure bool public Check if the pressure is above normal pressure
diff int public Check for differences with another DiffInterface.

Method details

__construct App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\Pressure
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement $xml);


Type Variable Description
SimpleXMLElement $xml XML containing the pressure

isLowPressure App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\Pressure
public function isLowPressure();

Check if the pressure is below normal pressure

Returns: bool

isHighPressure App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\Pressure
public function isHighPressure();

Check if the pressure is above normal pressure

Returns: bool

diff App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\Pressure
public function diff(DiffInterface $d);

Check for differences with another DiffInterface.

The method should check that the objects is the same.


Type Variable Description
DiffInterface $d None

Returns: int

Symbol App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time

Contains the sky data, e.g «Clody» etc


Name Return Access Description
__construct public
getNumber int public Retuns the type identifier
getName string public Returns the name, e.g «clody».
getVar string public Return the var-variable
diff int public Check for differences with another DiffInterface.
__toString string public

Method details

__construct App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\Symbol
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement $xml);


Type Variable Description
SimpleXMLElement $xml XML containing the symbol data

getNumber App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\Symbol
public function getNumber();

Retuns the type identifier

Returns: int

getName App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\Symbol
public function getName();

Returns the name, e.g «clody».

Returns: string

getVar App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\Symbol
public function getVar();

Return the var-variable

Returns: string

diff App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\Symbol
public function diff(DiffInterface $s);

Check for differences with another DiffInterface.

The method should check that the objects is the same.


Type Variable Description
DiffInterface $s None

Returns: int

__toString App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\Symbol
public function __toString();

Returns: string

Temperature App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time



Name Return Access Description
__construct public

Method details

__construct App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\Temperature
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement $xml);


Type Variable Description
SimpleXMLElement $xml XML containing the temperature

WindDirection App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time

Wind direction


Name Return Access Description
__construct public
getName string public Returns the wind direction in full,e.g «Northeast».
diff int public Check for differences with another DiffInterface.

Method details

__construct App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\WindDirection
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement $xml);


Type Variable Description
SimpleXMLElement $xml XML element containing the wind direction

getName App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\WindDirection
public function getName();

Returns the wind direction in full, e.g «Northeast».

Returns: string

diff App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\WindDirection
public function diff(DiffInterface $d);

Check for differences with another DiffInterface.

The method should check that the objects is the same.


Type Variable Description
DiffInterface $d None

Returns: int

WindSpeed App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time

Wind speed


Name Return Access Description
__construct public
convertTo int public Convert the wind speed to a different unit
getName string public Returns the wind name, e.g «light breeze»
diff int public Check for differences with another DiffInterface.
__toString string public

Method details

__construct App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\WindSpeed
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement $xml);


Type Variable Description
SimpleXMLElement $xml XML containing the wind spedd

convertTo App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\WindSpeed
public function convertTo(string $unit);

Convert the wind speed to a different unit


Type Variable Description
string $unit The unit to convert to, eg UNIT_FTS

Returns: int

getName App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\WindSpeed
public function getName();

Returns the wind name, e.g «light breeze»

Returns: string

diff App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\WindSpeed
public function diff(DiffInterface $e);

Check for differences with another DiffInterface.

The method should check that the objects is the same.


Type Variable Description
DiffInterface $e None

Returns: int

__toString App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\WindSpeed
public function __toString();

Returns: string


DiffInterface App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time

Defines that an entity can be checked for differences agains another entity.


Name Return Access Description
diff int public Check for differences with another DiffInterface.

Method details

diff App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time\DiffInterface
public function diff(DiffInterface $e);

Check for differences with another DiffInterface.

The method should check that the objects is the same.


Type Variable Description
DiffInterface $e The object to check agains

Returns: int