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Updated lxcbuild to pull snap out of the container + various fixes

Joachim M. Giæver 6 years ago
2 changed files with 49 additions and 11 deletions
  1. 9 5
  2. 40 6

+ 9 - 5

@@ -4,12 +4,16 @@ Snap (Snapcraft.yaml) recipe for the Open source home automation software that p
 Current Home Assistant version: 0.90.1
-# Install
-1. Make sure you have all [necessary tools]( to build a snap
-2. Clone this repo ```git clone```
-3. Go into the directoy ```cd home-assistant-snap``` and issue ``` snapcraft ``` to start building.
+# Build
+1. Clone the repo ```git clone```.
+2. Go into the directoy ```cd home-assistant-snap```.
+3. Check out the latest tag. The versioning is following the version of Home Assistant (e.g 0.90.1) plus a letter describing revision, e.g ```0.90.1.b```.
+4. To compile the snap you can use two options:
+	1. Make sure you have all [necessary tools]( to build a snap, and issue the command ```snapcraft``` to build with multipass (VM).
+	2. Run the script ```./bin/lxdbuild``` to build with a LXD container, which will install all necessary tools and remove them after completion. This is the preferred method during development of this recipe.
-A file named ```home-assistant-snap[...].snap``` should now be in the folder and now you can install it with
+# Install
+A file named ```home-assistant-snap[...].snap``` (e.g home-assistant_0+git.5bd544d_amd64.snap) should now be in the root-folder of the project and now you can install it with
 snap install [file] --devmode

+ 40 - 6

@@ -15,35 +15,69 @@ function container_cmd {
 function container_snap_cmd {
-	container_sh "cd ~/${CONTAINER_NAME} && ${1}"
+	container_sh "cd $(container_home)/${CONTAINER_NAME} && ${1}"
 	return $?
+function container_home {
+	container_sh "echo $(echo '${HOME}')"
+	return $?
+function cprint {
+	ERR='\033[0;31m'
+	OK='\033[0;32m'
+	END='\033[0m'
+	case "${1}" in 
+		err)
+			echo -e "LXDBuild ${ERR}Error: ${2}${END}"
+		;;
+		ok)
+			echo -e "LXDBuild ${OK}${2}${END}"
+		;;
+	esac
+if [ "${CONTAINER_NAME}" != "$(basename $(pwd))" ]; then
+	cprint "err" "Script must be ran from root folder of project."
+	exit 1
+cprint "ok" "Checking for snap and lxd compability"
 [[ ! -z $(which snap) ]] || sudo apt install snapd
 [[ ! -z $(which lxd) ]] || sudo snap install lxd
+cprint "ok" "Checking LXD configuration"
 container_sh "echo true" || (lxc launch ${CONTAINER_OS}:${CONTIANER_VERSION} ${CONTAINER_NAME} && sleep 5) || (lxd init && lxc launch ${CONTAINER_OS}:${CONTIANER_VERSION} ${CONTAINER_NAME} || sleep 5)
+cprint "ok" "Updating container"
 container_sh "apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt dist-upgrade -y"
 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-	echo "Cannot create container ${CONTAINER_OS}:${CONTAINER_VERSION} for ${CONTAINER_NAME}"
+	cprint "err" "Cannot create container ${CONTAINER_OS}:${CONTAINER_VERSION} for ${CONTAINER_NAME}"
 	exit 1
+cprint "ok" "Looking for snapcraft"
 container_sh "snap list snapcraft"
 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+	cprint "ok" " - Installing snapcraft"
 	container_sh "snap install snapcraft --classic"
-container_sh "[ -d ~/${CONTAINER_NAME} ] && rm -rf ~/${CONTAINER_NAME}"
+container_sh "[ -d $(container_home)/${CONTAINER_NAME} ] && rm -rf $(container_home)/${CONTAINER_NAME}"
-lxc file push ../${CONTAINER_NAME} ${CONTAINER_NAME}/root/ -r
+cprint "ok" "Pushing $(pwd) to container"
+lxc file push "$(pwd)" "${CONTAINER_NAME}/$(container_home)/" -r
-container_snap_cmd "snapcraft  --destructive-mode"
+cprint "ok" "Building snap"
+container_snap_cmd "snapcraft --destructive-mode"
 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
 	FILE=$(container_snap_cmd "ls | grep .snap --max-count=1")
-	lxc file pull ${CONTAINER_NAME}/root/${CONTAINER_NAME}/${FILE} ./
+	lxc file pull "${CONTAINER_NAME}/$(container_home)/${CONTAINER_NAME}/${FILE}" "$(pwd)"
+	cprint "err" "Failed to build snap"