name: home-assistant-snap title: Home assistant version: '2022.7.2' icon: snap/gui/home-assistant-snap.svg summary: Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first description: | Home Assistant is a free and open-source software for home automation that is designed to be the central control system for smart home devices with focus on local control and privacy. It can be accessed via a web-based user interface, via companion apps for Android and iOS, or using voice commands via a supported virtual assistant like Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa. Home Assistant integrates with over a thousand different devices and services. Read more about Home Assistant at - - **NOTE!** This is Home Assistant Core (not Supervised). Your new installation will be available through your browser at http://localhost:8123/ (or any other IP address where this packages is installed). You will get a launcher available in your application menu on desktops. **Important information about updates** Each major versions of Home Assistant might bring breaking changes so you will **only** auto-update for minor releases. Each major release must be upgraded manually by switching channel. See available channels in the software center or with `snap info home-assistant-snap` Please use the stable versions, e.g `2021.8/stable`. You can switch channel with: ``` $ snap switch home-assistant-snap --channel= ``` where `` could be `2021.8/stable`. There is a binary sensor `binary_sensor.updater` that will flip to `true` whenever there are updates available in a newer channel. Use this to show a notification whenever a new major release is available. **Need help?** Please use for documentation and for help. **Necessary plugs** See `snap connections home-assistant-snap` for necessary plugs (such as access to USB, removable media etc) and connect them with `$ snap connect home-assistant-snap:` where `` can be in example `raw-usb` (needed for Zigbee, Z-wave and other USB dongles). **Required plugs** - *network-control:* enables the configuration of networking and network namespaces via `ip netns`, providing a wide, privileged access to networking. This is required for the DHCP discovery integration to work which will watch the network for DHCP requests for supported devices and services. To disable this feature you will have to disable the `default_config` from you `configuration.yaml` and disconnect the `network-control` plug with `snap disconnect home-assistant-snap:network-control`. **NOTE!** Removing the `default_config` will require you to build up a whole new configuration for Home Assistant. More on what is enabled by default at this link: **Optional plugs** - *raw-usb:* allows access to all connected USB devices via a raw interface. - *removable-media*: allows read/write access to mounted removable storage in /media, /run/media and /mnt. - *serial-port*: enables access to a specific serial port. This interface is restricted because it provides privileged access to configure serial port hardware. Might require hot-plug support `snap set system experimental.hotplug=true` followed by `systemctl restart snapd`. - *hardware-observe*: required to use the `usb` discovery component. **Available slots** - *components:* Load custom components to Home Assistant. You will find the Home Assistant Community Store package here: - Installations on own risk and note that provided integrations are not tested or guaranteed to work. - *bin:* Missing binaries might be in the Home Assistant Toolbox, such as cURL etc. See - *configurations:* Edit your configuration files with `code-server` (VS Code) or HASS configurator: - - # source-code: "" # website: "" # issues: "" # donation: "" license: Apache-2.0 base: core20 grade: stable confinement: strict architectures: - build-on: amd64 - build-on: arm64 - build-on: armhf - build-on: ppc64el layout: /usr/local/lib: bind: $SNAP/usr/lib/${SNAPCRAFT_ARCH_TRIPLET} /etc/pip.conf: bind-file: $SNAP_COMMON/pip.conf /etc/openzwave: bind: $SNAP/openzwave /etc/ethertypes: bind-file: $SNAP/etc/ethertypes /etc/protocols: bind-file: $SNAP/etc/protocols /etc/services: bind-file: $SNAP/etc/services plugs: bin: interface: content content: executables target: $SNAP/shared-bin slots: components: interface: content content: components write: - $SNAP_DATA/custom_components # read: # - $SNAP_DATA/home-assistant.log configurations: interface: content write: - $SNAP_DATA vscs-content: interface: content write: - $SNAP_DATA apps: home-assistant-snap: command: bin/hass --config $SNAP_DATA command-chain: - bin/snapcraft-preload - bin/plug-bin daemon: simple environment: PIP_USER: 1 #PYTHONPATH: "$PYTHONPATH:$SNAP/lib/python3.9/site-packages" restart-condition: always plugs: - bluez - network - network-bind - network-control - hardware-observe - raw-usb - serial-port - physical-memory-control - removable-media slots: - components open-localhost: command: bin/open-localhost plugs: - desktop check-config: plugs: - network environment: PIP_USER: 1 command: bin/hass --script check_config --config $SNAP_DATA -i # package-repositories: # - type: apt # ppa: deadsnakes/ppa parts: snapcraft-preload: source: plugin: cmake cmake-parameters: - -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/ build-packages: - on amd64: - gcc-multilib - g++-multilib python: plugin: autotools source: autotools-configure-parameters: - --enable-optimizations build-packages: - build-essential - gdb - lcov - pkg-config - libbz2-dev - libffi-dev - libgdbm-dev - libgdbm-compat-dev - liblzma-dev - libncurses5-dev - libreadline6-dev - libsqlite3-dev - libssl-dev - lzma - lzma-dev - tk-dev - uuid-dev - zlib1g-dev override-stage: | snapcraftctl stage [ ! -d "${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}/bin" ] && mkdir ${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}/bin ln -s ../usr/local/bin/python3.9 "${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}/bin/python3.9" ln -s ../usr/local/bin/python3.9 "${SNAPCRAFT_STAGE}/usr/bin/python3" stage-packages: - libfontconfig1 - libfreetype6 - libgdbm-compat4 - libgdbm6 - libpng16-16 - libtcl8.6 - libtk8.6 - libx11-6 - libxau6 - libxcb1 - libxdmcp6 - libxext6 - libxft2 - libxrender1 - libxss1 - bluetooth - libbluetooth-dev homeassistant: after: [python] plugin: python-wot-plugin source: source-tag: ${SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_VERSION} build-environment: - SNAPCRAFT_PYTHON_INTERPRETER: python3.9 python-packages: - setuptools #<58 - wheel - Cython - pip - build build-packages: - autoconf - build-essential - cmake - cython3 - ffmpeg - libavcodec-dev - libavdevice-dev - libavfilter-dev - libavformat-dev - libavresample-dev - libavutil-dev - libcrypt-dev - libffi-dev - libglib2.0-dev - libglu1-mesa-dev - libgpiod-dev - libjpeg-dev - libopenzwave1.5-dev - libpcap0.8-dev - libswresample-dev - libssl-dev - libswscale-dev - libudev-dev - libxml2-dev - libxslt1-dev - pkg-config #- python3-pip - python3.9-dev - zlib1g-dev - on arm64: - cargo - rustc - on armhf: - cargo - gfortran - rustc - on ppc64el: - cargo - rustc stage-packages: - freeglut3 - ffmpeg - libglu1-mesa - libpcap0.8 - libpcap0.8-dev - libpulse0 - libturbojpeg - netbase - tcpdump - zlib1g stage: - -lib/python3.9/site-packages/homeassistant/components/updater - -lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiogithubapi* requirements: - requirements.txt - requirements_all.txt constraints: - homeassistant/package_constraints.txt override-stage: | snapcraftctl stage sed -i 's/include-system-site-packages = false/include-system-site-packages = true/g' $SNAPCRAFT_STAGE/pyvenv.cfg updater: after: [homeassistant] plugin: dump source: ./src/components source-type: local organize: '*': lib/python3.9/site-packages/homeassistant/components/ bins: plugin: dump source: ./src/bin source-type: local organize: open-localhost: bin/open-localhost hooks: plugin: dump source: ./src/hooks source-type: local stage-packages: - uuid organize: install: snap/hooks/install configure: snap/hooks/configure post-refresh: snap/hooks/post-refresh connect-plug-bin: snap/hooks/connect-plug-bin config: plugin: dump source: ./src/config source-type: local organize: plug-bin: bin/plug-bin