#!/usr/bin/env bash source $SNAP/helper/functions if [ -z "${DAEMONIZED}" ]; then DAEMONIZED=0 fi function lprint { if [ ${DAEMONIZED} -eq 0 ]; then echo ${1} else logger "${SNAP_NAME}: ${1}" fi } # WITH S0+n NETWORK KEY IS NOT USED ANYMORE #export NETWORK_KEY=$(snapctl get network.key) # SETTINGS_KEY=$(same_network_key "${NETWORK_KEY}") # if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # snapctl set network.key="${SETTINGS_KEY}" # export NETWORK_KEY="${SETTINGS_KEY}" # fi OPT_HELP=false if [ "${1}" = "--help" ]; then OPT_HELP=true fi if [ ${OPT_HELP} = true ]; then plugs_connected if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "" echo "NOTE! NOTE! NOTE!" echo "" fi echo "${SNAP_NAME} - $(yq eval '.version' "${SNAP}/meta/snap.yaml")" echo "" echo "IMPORTANT! The DAEMON/SERVICE is disabled by default after installation." echo "You have to manually 'daemonize' it with executing the command" echo "" echo "$ ${SNAP_NAME}.enable" echo "" echo "Set your configuration as descrived below" echo "" # echo "Base configuration values:" # echo "- network.key: $(snapctl get network.key)" echo "Server configuration values: $(snapctl get server -d)" echo "" echo "- server.ssl: Use secure communication" echo "- server.host: IP address to bind to, e.g" echo "- server.port: Port to reach the web interface" echo "" echo "Session configuration values: $(snapctl get session -d)" echo "" echo "- session.secret: Used as secret for session. If not provided a default one is used." echo "- session.cookie-secure: Set the cookie secure option. See: https://github.com/expressjs/session#cookiesecure" echo "" echo "Session configuration values: $(snapctl get mqtt -d)" echo "" echo "- mqtt.name: The name used as client name when connecting to the mqtt server." echo "" echo "Set options with: $ snap set ${SNAP_NAME} param=key" echo "For example: $ snap set ${SNAP_NAME} server.host=" echo "" echo "Other settings can be set in the UI after start." echo "" echo "If you have turned OFF «log to file», follow the log(s) with" echo " $ sudo snap logs ${SNAP_NAME} -f" echo "" echo "OR if you have turned ON «log to file», tail the logs with" echo " $ tail -f ${SNAP_DATA}/*.log" echo "" echo "Other commands" echo "Disable the daemon: $ ${SNAP_NAME}.disable" echo "Restart the daemon: $ ${SNAP_NAME}.restart" echo "" echo "Info on the serial-port plug:" echo " This plug requires the experimental hotplug feature in snapd." echo " Enable it with" echo " $ sudo snap set system experimental.hotplug=true" echo "" echo " And restart snapd with:" echo " $ sudo systemctl restart snapd" echo "" echo " Now list available serial slots with:" echo " $ sudo snap iterface serial-port" echo "" echo " And connect it to ${SNAP_NAME} with:" echo " $ sudo snap connect ${SNAP_NAME}:serial-port " exit 0 fi require_root plugs_connected if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi # Not needed anymore as of ZWAVEJS_EXTERNAL_CONFIG? # ensure_zwavejs_config export SERVER_SSL=$(snapctl get server.ssl) export SERVER_HOST=$(snapctl get server.host) export SERVER_PORT=$(snapctl get server.port) export GIT_DIR="${SNAP}/lib/node_modules/zwavejs2mqtt/.git" export HTTPS="${SERVER_SSL}" export SESSION_SECRET=$(snapctl get session.secret) export USE_SECURE_COOKIE=$(snapctl get session.cookie-secure) if [ "${HTTPS}" != true ]; then unset HTTPS unset SERVER_SSL unset USE_SECURE_COOKIE elif [ "${USE_SECURE_COOKIE}" != true ]; then unset USE_SECURE_COOKIE fi export MQTT_NAME=$(snapctl get mqtt.name) if [ -z "${MQTT_NAME}" ]; then unset MQTT_NAME fi export HOST="${SERVER_HOST}" export PORT="${SERVER_PORT}" [ "$(basename "${1}")" == "yarn" ] && cd "${SNAP}/lib/node_modules/zwavejs2mqtt" && exec "${@}" || exec "${@}"