AbstractUnit.php 3.4 KB

  1. <?php
  2. namespace App\Yr\Forecast\Tabular\Time;
  3. /**
  4. * Time-object entity should inherit this
  5. */
  6. abstract class AbstractUnit implements DiffInterface {
  7. const DEFAULT_VARIANCE = 2;
  8. private $value = 0;
  9. private $unit;
  10. /**
  11. * @param float The value
  12. * @param float The unit
  13. */
  14. public function __construct(float $value, string $unit) {
  15. $this->value = $value;
  16. $this->unit = $unit;
  17. }
  18. private function canOperate(AbstractUnit $with, bool $throw = false): bool {
  19. if ($with instanceof $this || $with instanceof CustomUnit)
  20. return true;
  21. if ($this instanceof CustomUnit && $with instanceof AbstractUnit)
  22. return true;
  23. if ($throw)
  24. throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
  25. "Invalid type <%s>, expected of type \"%s\" or \"%s\"",
  26. get_class($with), get_class($this), CustomUnit::class
  27. ));
  28. return false;
  29. }
  30. protected function transformClass(CustomUnit $cu): self {
  31. return unserialize(preg_replace(
  32. '/^O:\d+:"[^"]++"/',
  33. sprintf('O:%d:"%s"', strlen(static::class), static::class),
  34. serialize($cu)
  35. ));
  36. }
  37. /**
  38. * Addition method
  39. *
  40. * @param AbstractUnit $with Unit to add with
  41. * @thows \InvalidArgumentException
  42. * */
  43. public function add(AbstractUnit $with): self {
  44. $this->canOperate($with, true);
  45. return $this->transformClass(
  46. new CustomUnit($this->getValue() + $with->getValue(), $with->getUnit())
  47. );
  48. }
  49. /**
  50. * Subtraction method
  51. *
  52. * @param AbstractUnit $with Unit to sub with
  53. * @thows \InvalidArgumentException
  54. * */
  55. public function sub(AbstractUnit $with): self {
  56. $this->canOperate($with, true);
  57. return $this->transformClass(
  58. new CustomUnit($this->getValue() - $with->getValue(), $with->getUnit())
  59. );
  60. }
  61. /**
  62. * Multiplication method
  63. *
  64. * @param AbstractUnit $with Unit to multiply with
  65. * @thows \InvalidArgumentException
  66. * */
  67. public function mul(AbstractUnit $with): self {
  68. $this->canOperate($with, true);
  69. return $this->transformClass(
  70. new CustomUnit($this->getValue() * $with->getValue(), $with->getUnit())
  71. );
  72. }
  73. /**
  74. * Divide method
  75. *
  76. * @param AbstractUnit $with Unit to divide with
  77. * @thows \InvalidArgumentException
  78. * */
  79. public function div(AbstractUnit $with): self {
  80. $this->canOperate($with, true);
  81. return $this->transformClass(
  82. new CustomUnit($this->getValue() / $with->getValue(), $with->getUnit())
  83. );
  84. }
  85. /**
  86. * Get the value
  87. *
  88. * @return float
  89. */
  90. public function getValue(): float {
  91. return $this->value;
  92. }
  93. /**
  94. * Return the unit (e.g «degree»)
  95. *
  96. * @return string
  97. */
  98. public function getUnit(): string {
  99. return $this->unit;
  100. }
  101. /**
  102. * {@inheritDoc}
  103. */
  104. public function diff(DiffInterface $d): int {
  105. if ($d instanceof $this)
  106. return $this->value - $d->getValue();
  107. return 0;
  108. }
  109. public function __toString(): string {
  110. return sprintf(
  111. "%s: %f %s", basename(str_replace(
  112. '\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, get_class($this)
  113. )), $this->value, $this->unit);
  114. }
  115. }