forecast = $t; } /** * «Tonight Southeasterly light breeze, cloudy, temperature -8 to -9 degrees» * @author Helge Tangen */ public function json(): string { $time = $this->forecast->getVariations()->getTime(); $arr = [ "from" => $this->forecast->getFrom()->format('Y-m-d H:i'), "until" => $this->forecast->getUntil()->format("Y-m-d H:i"), "initial" => [], "changes" => [], "credit" => $this->forecast->getForecast()->getCredit() ]; foreach ($time as $ent) { $arr['initial'][] = (string)$ent; } $vars = $this->forecast->getVariations()->filter(function($e, $p, $n) { return ($p == null ? true : $e->thresholdDiff($p->getEntity(get_class($e)))); }); foreach ($vars as $var) { $changes = [ "at" => [ "time" => $var->getTime()->getFrom()->format('Y-m-d H:i'), "period" => $this->when($var->getTime()->getFrom()) ], "to" => [], ]; $var->operate(function($e, $p, $n) use (&$changes) { $changes['to'][] = (string)$e; }); $arr['changes'][] = $changes; } return json_encode($arr); } public function when(\DateTimeInterface $d): string { $a = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $d->format('d/m/Y')); $b = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', (new \DateTime())->format('d/m/Y')); $diff = $b->diff($a); if ($diff->invert && $diff->days == 1) return $this->period($d, "yesterday"); elseif (!$diff->invert && $diff->days == 1) return $this->period($d, "tomorrow"); elseif ($diff->days == 0) return $this->period($d, "today"); return sprintf("the %s at %s of %s %y ", $this->period($d), $d->format('dd'), $d->format('m'), $d->format('YY') ); } public function period(\DateTimeInterface $d, ?string $when = null): string { $hour = (int)$d->format('H'); if ($hour >= 6 && $hour <= 11) return ($when == "today" ? "this" : $when ) . " morning"; elseif ($hour == 12) return "at noon"; elseif ($hour > 12 && $hour < 18) return ($when == "today" ? "this" : $when) . " afternoon"; elseif ($hour >= 18 && $hour < 24) return ($when == "today" ? "tonight" : $when . " evening"); elseif ($hour == 0) return ($when == "tomorrow" ? "at" : ($when == "today" ? "last" : $when)) . " midning"; else return ($when == "tomorrow" ? "this" : ($when == "today" ? "last" : $when)) . " night"; } public function since(\DateTimeInterface $d): string { } } $url = 'ø/Tromsø/forecast_hour_by_hour.xml'; echo '
$forecast = new Forecast($url);

$range = $forecast->getTabular()->getBetween(
    $forecast->getSunset(), $forecast->getSunrise()->add(new \DateInterval('P1D'))

$tf = new TextForcast($range);
echo $tf->json();