name: home-assistant-snap version: '0.114.0' summary: Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first description: | Home Assistant is a home automation platform running on Python 3. It is able to track and control all devices at home and offer a platform for automating control. base: core20 grade: stable confinement: strict layout: /etc/pip.conf: bind-file: $SNAP_DATA/pip.conf /etc/openzwave: bind: $SNAP/openzwave slots: components: interface: content content: components write: - $SNAP_DATA/custom_components plugs: certs: interface: content content: certs target: $SNAP_DATA/certs apps: hass: command: bin/hass --config $SNAP_DATA daemon: simple environment: PIP_USER: 1 restart-condition: always plugs: - bluez - network - network-bind - raw-usb # GPIO devices etc.. (e.g RaZberry GPIO hat) - physical-memory-control - plugs parts: homeassistant: plugin: python-wot-plugin source: source-tag: ${SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_VERSION} python-packages: - setuptools - wheel - Cython - pip build-packages: - python3 - python3-dev - python3-setuptools - python3-wheel - pkg-config - autoconf - build-essential - cmake - cython3 - ffmpeg - libavcodec-dev - libavdevice-dev - libavfilter-dev - libavformat-dev - libavresample-dev - libavutil-dev - libffi-dev - libglib2.0-dev - libglu1-mesa-dev - libgpiod-dev - libjpeg-dev - libopenzwave1.5-dev - libssl-dev - libswscale-dev - libudev-dev - libxml2-dev - libxslt1-dev - zlib1g-dev stage-packages: - freeglut3 - ffmpeg - libglu1-mesa - zlib1g requirements: - requirements_all.txt constraints: - homeassistant/package_constraints.txt override-build: | snapcraftctl build sed -i 's/include-system-site-packages = false/include-system-site-packages = true/g' $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/pyvenv.cfg