# home-assistant-snap Snap (Snapcraft.yaml) recipe for the Open source home automation software that puts local control and privacy first. Current Home Assistant version: 0.90.1 # Install 1. Make sure you have all [necessary tools](https://docs.snapcraft.io/installing-snapd/6735) to build a snap 2. Clone this repo ```git clone git.giaever.org@git.giaever.org:joachimmg/home-assistant-snap.git``` 3. Go into the directoy ```cd home-assistant-snap``` and issue ``` snapcraft ``` to start building. A file named ```home-assistant-snap[...].snap``` should now be in the folder and now you can install it with ```bash snap install [file] --devmode ``` ## Issues For issues directly related to Home Assistant, please read their article on [Reporting Issues](https://www.home-assistant.io/help/reporting_issues/). Issues with building or issues that is caused by missing dependencies etc and therefore cause problems with the running software, use the [issue tracker](https://git.giaever.org/joachimmg/home-assistant-snap/issues). ### Known problems The build process reports a dependency issue with Selenium/Webdriver. ```wiki Unable to determine library dependencies for 'prime/selenium/webdriver/firefox/x86/x_ignore_nofocus.so' Unable to determine library dependencies for 'prime/lib/python3.6/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/firefox/x86/x_ignore_nofocus.so' ``` Feel free to help out solving it!