# home-assistant-snap Snap (Snapcraft.yaml) recipe for the Open source home automation software that puts local control and privacy first. Current Home Assistant version: 0.90.1 # Build Simply 1. ##### Clone repo over HTTPS ``` git clone https://git.giaever.org/joachimmg/home-assistant-snap.git ``` 2. ##### Change directory into the cloned repository ``` $ cd ~/home-assistant-snap/ ``` and checkout the latest tag (e.g `$ git checkout 0.112.3`) as the master branch might not be functioning. 3. ##### Build & install 3.1 Make sure you have snapcraft installed: ``` sudo snap install snapcraft --classic && hash -r ``` 3.2 Build with ``` $ snapcraft ``` 3.3 Install with (change «packagename» to filename of the produced snap). ``` $ ls -al | grep .snap $ snap install --devmode --dangerous .snap ``` 4. #### Notes on building on a Raspberry Pi Snapcraft will try to install multipass for you, but on *Raspberry Pi* it will fail. You will have to use an LXD container, before any of the previous steps. 4.1 Install LXD on the Pi: ``` $ snap install lxd ``` 4.2 Create a container ``` $ sudo lxd init ``` 4.3 Make sure your user is a member of lxd-group ``` sudo adduser $USER lxd ``` _(it might tell that you already are...)_ 4.4 Launche a Ubuntu 20.04 container instance ``` lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 home-assistant-container ``` 4.5 Go into the shell of the container ``` lxc exec -- home-assistant-container /bin/bash ``` 4.6 Continue with *step 1*, but replace *step 3.2* with the following: ``` SNAPCRAFT_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=host snapcraft ``` as we have to build within the LXD container itself and not through multipass.