#1 home-assistant-configurator:configurations

2 anos atrás foi aberto por stoony · 4 comentários
stoony comentado 2 anos atrás

Fehler: cannot perform the following tasks:

  • home-assistant-configurator:configurations mit home-assistant-snap:configurations verbinden (connection not allowed by slot rule of interface "content")
Fehler: cannot perform the following tasks: - home-assistant-configurator:configurations mit home-assistant-snap:configurations verbinden (connection not allowed by slot rule of interface "content")

same here!

same here!
Joachim Marthinsen Giæver comentado 2 anos atrás

Hi guys. I'm very sorry, but I've been over my head with work for the past 4-5 months and will be still for a few months ahead.

I recommend using the code-server instead, it's much better:

sudo snap install code-server --edge
Hi guys. I'm very sorry, but I've been over my head with work for the past 4-5 months and will be still for a few months ahead. I recommend using the code-server instead, it's much better: ``` sudo snap install code-server --edge ```
stoony comentado 2 anos atrás

I would like to be able to use the HA because it is much more comfortable to work via cell phone or tablet etc. what do I have to do to get the message "home-assistant-configurator:configurations connect to home-assistant-snap:configurations (connection not allowed by slot rule of interface "content")"? or in the HA itself "Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from localhost ( See the log for details." and be able to use the HASS configurator again?

I would like to be able to use the HA because it is much more comfortable to work via cell phone or tablet etc. what do I have to do to get the message "home-assistant-configurator:configurations connect to home-assistant-snap:configurations (connection not allowed by slot rule of interface "content")"? or in the HA itself "Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from localhost ( See the log for details." and be able to use the HASS configurator again?
Joachim Marthinsen Giæver comentado 2 anos atrás

The experience will be the "samex, in regards to integration (how it's wrapped). You have to wrap both using panel_iframe, to integrate it with HA. However the vscode experience is BY FAR better.

The experience will be the "samex, in regards to integration (how it's wrapped). You have to wrap both using `panel_iframe`, to integrate it with HA. However the vscode experience is BY FAR better.
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