%%% DOCUMENT BEGIN \input{pre} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FILL INN THE DETAILS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Personal details %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \myname{My name} \def \mysign{abc123} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Course details %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \university{University of Tromsø \\The Arctic University of Norway} \def \coursecode{XXX-0000} \def \coursename{Course name} \def \coursedep{Department of ...} % e.g Computer Science %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document details %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \doctype{Assignment} % project, thesis etc. \def \docnum{0} % Assigment 1, 2, 3 etc? \def \docdesc{My assignment} % Assignment header \def \docdate{\today} % Will be todays date %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DONE EDITING DETAILS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % NO EDIT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VARIABLES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \thetitle {\coursecode\ \coursename} % The title \def \thesubtitle {\doctype\ \#\docnum: \docdesc} % The subtitle \def \theauthor {\myname\ -- \mysign} % The author %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % NO EDIT %%%%%%%%%%%%%% PAGE STYLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pagestyle{fancy} \pagestyle{fancyplain} % or: empty, plain, fancy \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1pt} \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} \lhead{\fancyplain{}{\thetitle\ -- \thesubtitle}} % left header \chead{} % center header \rhead{\fancyplain{}{\theauthor{}}} % right header \lfoot{} % left footer \cfoot{Page {\thepage} of \pageref{LastPage}} % center footer \rfoot{} % right footer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DOCUMENT BEGIN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} % Nothing more to do here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % NO EDIT %%%%%%%%%%%%% DOCUMENT FRONTPAGE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{titlepage} \begin{center} \textsc{\\[3.5cm] \huge \university}\\[1.5cm] \textsc{\LARGE \thetitle}\\[0.5cm] \textsc{\Large \thesubtitle}\\[1.5cm] \LARGE{\theauthor} \\[0.5cm] \large{\coursedep} \vfill {\large \docdate} \end{center} \thispagestyle{empty} \end{titlepage} \newpage{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % NO EDIT %%%%%%%%%%%%% TABLE OF CONTENTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \thispagestyle{empty} \tableofcontents{} \newpage{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DOCUMENT BODY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Start counting pages from document body (excl. frontpage and Toc) \setcounter{page}{1} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INTRO TECHNICAL REPORT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % A technical report complements and describes the work which has % been done, e.g: % – Contribution and lessons learned % – To enable the reader to gain insight and to reproduce the work % Structured report: % – Follows some basic principles (covered for in each section) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Gives a brief introduction to the problem % – E.g. “In this paper, we describe the design and implementation % of a set ADT.” % A subsection can state the requirements for the particular % assignment/problem. The introduction should not give away to many % details or discoveries (this comes later). \section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro} This report-template adopts the suggested report structure given by the Department of Computer Science at The University of Tromsø. Each section is commented with the information it should contain, e.g (from source code from Section~\ref{sec:intro}): \begin{verbatim} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Gives a brief introduction to the problem % - E.g. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation % of a set ADT. % A subsection can state the requirements for the particular % assignment/problem. The introduction should not give away to many % details or discoveries (this comes later). \end{verbatim} All the dummy text shown in the report is create by a simple method called ”lipsum”, just remove it or comment it out with a \%-sign. \subsection{Bibliography} \label{sub:bibliography} This template uses Natbib\footnote{http://merkel.texture.rocks/Latex/natbib.php} to generate the bibliography. All elements in the reference list is stored in the file \emph{bibliography.bib}, which you open and edit as a normal text-file. There is a Chrome extension \citep{BibTe3:online} that can easily create a BibText-entry for you, which works nice with the Natbib file. Ensure that the identifier \footnote{e.g @book\{\-identifier\-, ... \}, see bibliography.bib for examples} is unique. \subsubsection{Compiling and lost references} \label{ssub:compilinglostref} \begin{itemize} \item LaTeX has some issues with bibliography-files, and these need to be compiled up to three times. In Gummy I usually press the detect button three times and compile three times, under the tab ”Bibliography” all the way to the right above the preview pane. \item Please note that you must reference an element in the bibliography file to get it shown in the actual reference list, and this must be already done when compiling the bibliography. Read more about this in the comments (in the source code) for the section bibliography. \end{itemize} % subsubsection compilinglostref (end) % subsection bibliography (end) \subsection{Citation example} \label{sub:citation} In this report we will cover a implementation of Blablabla \citep[page 188-220]{patterson2013computer}. Our implementation must use the standard ThisIsIt \citep*[page 3-5]{Publi6:Online}. % subsection citation (end) \subsection{Resources to LaTeX} \label{sub:resources} See the folder "Resources" for many tips and tricks :) - GOOD LUCK. % subsection resources (end) % section intro (end) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION TECHNICAL BACKGROUND %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Covers the topics needed to solve the problem % – E.g. a high-level description of linked-lists and/or trees % – “What you needed to know before solving the problem” % Does NOT explain your solution % – This is covered in the design and implementation sections \section{Technical background} \label{sec:techback} % Content \lipsum[2-3] % Generate dummy text % section techback (end) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION DESIGN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % “How did you solve the problem?” Give a detailed description of % your solution, e.g: % – Set union was implemented using a merge algorithm (along with % a description of the algorithm). % Should NOT contain references to actual code, i.e: % – The solution should be language (C, Python etc.) and platform % (Windows, Linux) agnostic. % Figures are essential! \section{Design} \label{sec:design} % Content \lipsum[4-5] % Generate dummy text % section design (end) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION IMPLEMENTATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Technical details to how the problem was solved % (briefly) and (can) contain the answer to: % – Which language was used? % – Any troubles during the implementation? % – Any bugs? % – How was the development process? % This is NOT a step-by-step explanation of the implementation % – As the report is a high-level description of how a problem was solved % – Don’t copy and paste code into the report \section{Implementation} \label{sec:implementation} % Content \lipsum[4-5] % Generate dummy text % section implementation (end) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION DISCUSSION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Discuss the design choices made % – In favor of your solution % – Compare to other solutions (e.g. trees vs lists) % Non-functional aspects % – Performance, scalability, robustness etc. % – Use Big-Oh notation to describe the algorithms \section{Discussion} \label{sec:discussion} % Content \lipsum[4-5] % Generate dummy text % section discussion (end) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION EVALUATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Prove that your implementation is correct and performs as should. % Correctness checking: % – Validating that the behavior and output is correct given % some input. % Performance: % – Metrics such as time, storage cost and memory consumption % – Compare your solution to others % – Graphs (e.g. insertion time in list with increasing size) \subsection{Evaluation} \label{sub:evaluation} % Content \lipsum[4-5] % Generate dummy text % subsection evaluation (end) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION CONCLUSION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Sum up by restating the problem and solution % – E.g. “In this report we have described a set ADT.” % Follow up with a brief summary of the solution along with % lessons learned % – E.g. “By using lists, we were able to implement set operation % in linear time” \section{Conclusion} \label{sec:conclusion} % Content \lipsum[4-5] % Generate dummy text % section conclusion (end) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BIBLIOGRAPHY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NOTES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Edit the file "bibliography.bib" and add all your references to % this file. The syntax is Bibtex, which you can read more about % here: http://www.bibtex.org/Format/. % % There are also examples on how to format these entries in the % file, but as a tip there are many websites who offers a link % such as «cite this page», that will generate this bibtex-entry % for you. % % IMPORTANT! % 1. A bibtex-entry must be cited to show up in the bibliography. % More about cite, citet, citep here: https://goo.gl/sGjup3 % 2. There is a bug in either bibtex or latex, so you must(!) % 2.1 Compile the bibtex-file (after citation) 2-3 times. % 2.2 Compile the latex-file (after citation) 2-3 times. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newpage % if you want surname, firstname, change to "lastnamefirst" \bibliographystyle{natbib-bsts/firstnamefirst} \bibliography{bibliography} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DOCUMENT END %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%