UIT-Report ========== This report-template adopts the suggested report structure given by the Department of Computer Science at The University of Tromsø. ## Use: 1. Just edit the report.tex and bibliography.bib file. 2. Read comments in report.tex for each section, e.g: ```latex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION TECHNICAL BACKGROUND %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Covers the topics needed to solve the problem % – E.g. a high-level description of linked-lists and/or trees % – “What you needed to know before solving the problem” % Does NOT explain your solution % – This is covered in the design and implementation sections ``` Remember to compile 2-3 times each time you updated/detected your bibliography to get it working (LaTeX bugs.....). More about this in the comments for bibliography, in the source code (report.tex). ### Requirements * Install (Ubuntu): ```sudo apt-get install texlive-extra-utils texlive-xetex``` ## Use Gummi for LaTeX: * Install (Ubuntu): ```sudo apt-get install gummi``` * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gummi_(software) ### Gummy config? OK! -> Comming.