prog2.c 14 KB

  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <stdlib.h>
  3. #include "prog2.h"
  4. /* ******************************************************************
  6. This code should be used for PA2, unidirectional or bidirectional
  7. data transfer protocols (from A to B. Bidirectional transfer of data
  8. is for extra credit and is not required). Network properties:
  9. - one way network delay averages five time units (longer if there
  10. are other messages in the channel for GBN), but can be larger
  11. - packets can be corrupted (either the header or the data portion)
  12. or lost, according to user-defined probabilities
  13. - packets will be delivered in the order in which they were sent
  14. (although some can be lost).
  15. **********************************************************************/
  16. /*****************************************************************
  17. ***************** NETWORK EMULATION CODE STARTS BELOW ***********
  18. The code below emulates the layer 3 and below network environment:
  19. - emulates the tranmission and delivery (possibly with bit-level corruption
  20. and packet loss) of packets across the layer 3/4 interface
  21. - handles the starting/stopping of a timer, and generates timer
  22. interrupts (resulting in calling students timer handler).
  23. - generates message to be sent (passed from later 5 to 4)
  26. OF THE DATA STRUCTURES BELOW. If you're interested in how I designed
  27. the emulator, you're welcome to look at the code - but again, you should have
  28. to, and you defeinitely should not have to modify
  29. ******************************************************************/
  30. event_t *evlist = NULL; /* the event list */
  31. int TRACE = 1; /* for my debugging */
  32. int nsim = 0; /* number of messages from 5 to 4 so far */
  33. int nsimmax = 0; /* number of msgs to generate, then stop */
  34. float time = 0.000;
  35. float lossprob; /* probability that a packet is dropped */
  36. float corruptprob; /* probability that one bit is packet is flipped */
  37. float lambda; /* arrival rate of messages from layer 5 */
  38. int ntolayer3; /* number sent into layer 3 */
  39. int nlost; /* number lost in media */
  40. int ncorrupt; /* number corrupted by media*/
  41. int main() {
  42. event_t *eventptr;
  43. msg_t msg2give;
  44. pkt_t pkt2give;
  45. int i,j;
  46. init();
  47. A_init();
  48. B_init();
  49. while (1) {
  50. /* get next event to simulate */
  51. eventptr = evlist;
  52. if ( eventptr == NULL )
  53. goto terminate;
  54. /* remove this event from event list */
  55. evlist = evlist->next;
  56. if (evlist != NULL)
  57. evlist->prev=NULL;
  58. if ( TRACE >= 2 ) {
  59. printf("\nEVENT time: %f,",eventptr->evtime);
  60. printf(" type: %d",eventptr->evtype);
  61. if ( eventptr->evtype == 0 )
  62. printf(", timerinterrupt ");
  63. else if ( eventptr->evtype == 1 )
  64. printf(", fromlayer5 ");
  65. else
  66. printf(", fromlayer3 ");
  67. printf(" entity: %d\n",eventptr->eventity);
  68. }
  69. /* update time to next event time */
  70. time = eventptr->evtime;
  71. if ( nsim == nsimmax )
  72. break; /* all done with simulation */
  73. if ( eventptr->evtype == FROM_LAYER5 ) {
  74. /* set up future arrival */
  75. generate_next_arrival();
  76. /* fill in msg to give with string of same letter */
  77. j = nsim % 26;
  78. for ( i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
  79.[i] = 97 + j;
  80. if ( TRACE > 2 ) {
  81. printf(" MAINLOOP: data given to student: ");
  82. for ( i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
  83. printf("%c",[i]);
  84. printf("\n");
  85. }
  86. nsim++;
  87. if ( eventptr->eventity == A )
  88. A_output(msg2give);
  89. else
  90. B_output(msg2give);
  91. } else if ( eventptr->evtype == FROM_LAYER3 ) {
  92. pkt2give.seqnum = eventptr->pktptr->seqnum;
  93. pkt2give.acknum = eventptr->pktptr->acknum;
  94. pkt2give.checksum = eventptr->pktptr->checksum;
  95. for (i=0; i<20; i++)
  96. pkt2give.payload[i] = eventptr->pktptr->payload[i];
  97. if ( eventptr->eventity == A ) /* deliver packet by calling */
  98. A_input(pkt2give); /* appropriate entity */
  99. else
  100. B_input(pkt2give);
  101. free( eventptr->pktptr ); /* free the memory for packet */
  102. } else if ( eventptr->evtype == TIMER_INTERRUPT ) {
  103. if ( eventptr->eventity == A )
  104. A_timerinterrupt();
  105. else
  106. B_timerinterrupt();
  107. } else
  108. printf("INTERNAL PANIC: unknown event type \n");
  109. free(eventptr);
  110. }
  111. terminate:
  112. printf(" Simulator terminated at time %f\n after sending %d msgs from layer5\n",time,nsim);
  113. return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  114. }
  115. /* initialize the simulator */
  116. void init() {
  117. int i;
  118. float sum, avg;
  119. float jimsrand();
  120. printf("----- Stop and Wait Network Simulator Version 1.1 -------- \n\n");
  121. printf("Enter the number of messages to simulate: ");
  122. scanf("%d",&nsimmax);
  123. printf("Enter packet loss probability [enter 0.0 for no loss]:");
  124. scanf("%f",&lossprob);
  125. printf("Enter packet corruption probability [0.0 for no corruption]:");
  126. scanf("%f",&corruptprob);
  127. printf("Enter average time between messages from sender's layer5 [ > 0.0]:");
  128. scanf("%f",&lambda);
  129. printf("Enter TRACE:");
  130. scanf("%d",&TRACE);
  131. /* init random number generator */
  132. srand(9999);
  133. /* test random number generator for students */
  134. sum = 0.0;
  135. /* jimsrand() should be uniform in [0,1] */
  136. for ( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
  137. sum = sum + jimsrand();
  138. avg = sum / 1000.0;
  139. if ( avg < 0.25 || avg > 0.75 ) {
  140. printf("It is likely that random number generation on your machine\n" );
  141. printf("is different from what this emulator expects. Please take\n");
  142. printf("a look at the routine jimsrand() in the emulator code. Sorry. \n");
  143. exit(1);
  144. }
  145. ntolayer3 = 0;
  146. nlost = 0;
  147. ncorrupt = 0;
  148. /* initialize time to 0.0 */
  149. time=0.0;
  150. /* initialize event list */
  151. generate_next_arrival();
  152. }
  153. /****************************************************************************/
  154. /* jimsrand(): return a float in range [0,1]. The routine below is used to */
  155. /* isolate all random number generation in one location. We assume that the*/
  156. /* system-supplied rand() function return an int in therange [0,mmm] */
  157. /****************************************************************************/
  158. float jimsrand() {
  159. /* largest int - MACHINE DEPENDENT!!!!!!!! */
  160. double mmm = 2147483647;
  161. /* individual students may need to change mmm */
  162. float x;
  163. /* x should be uniform in [0,1] */
  164. x = rand() / mmm;
  165. return(x);
  166. }
  167. /********************* EVENT HANDLINE ROUTINES *******/
  168. /* The next set of routines handle the event list */
  169. /*****************************************************/
  170. void generate_next_arrival()
  171. {
  172. double x, log(), ceil();
  173. event_t *evptr;
  174. if ( TRACE > 2 )
  175. printf(" GENERATE NEXT ARRIVAL: creating new arrival\n");
  176. /* x is uniform on [0,2*lambda] */
  177. x = lambda * jimsrand()*2;
  178. /* having mean of lambda */
  179. evptr = (event_t *)malloc(sizeof(event_t));
  180. evptr->evtime = time + x;
  181. evptr->evtype = FROM_LAYER5;
  182. if (BIDIRECTIONAL && (jimsrand()>0.5) )
  183. evptr->eventity = B;
  184. else
  185. evptr->eventity = A;
  186. insertevent(evptr);
  187. }
  188. void insertevent( event_t *p ) {
  189. event_t *q,*qold;
  190. if ( TRACE > 2 ) {
  191. printf(" INSERTEVENT: time is %f\n",time);
  192. printf(" INSERTEVENT: future time will be %f\n",p->evtime);
  193. }
  194. /* q points to header of list in which p struct inserted */
  195. q = evlist;
  196. if ( q == NULL ) {
  197. /* list is empty */
  198. evlist=p;
  199. p->next=NULL;
  200. p->prev=NULL;
  201. } else {
  202. for ( qold = q; q != NULL && p->evtime > q->evtime; q = q->next )
  203. qold=q;
  204. if ( q == NULL ) {
  205. /* end of list */
  206. qold->next = p;
  207. p->prev = qold;
  208. p->next = NULL;
  209. } else if ( q == evlist ) {
  210. /* front of list */
  211. p->next=evlist;
  212. p->prev=NULL;
  213. p->next->prev=p;
  214. evlist = p;
  215. } else {
  216. /* middle of list */
  217. p->next=q;
  218. p->prev=q->prev;
  219. q->prev->next=p;
  220. q->prev=p;
  221. }
  222. }
  223. }
  224. void printevlist()
  225. {
  226. event_t *q;
  227. printf("--------------\nEvent List Follows:\n");
  228. for(q = evlist; q!=NULL; q=q->next)
  229. printf("Event time: %f, type: %d entity: %d\n",q->evtime,q->evtype,q->eventity);
  230. printf("--------------\n");
  231. }
  232. /********************** Student-callable ROUTINES ***********************/
  233. /* called by students routine to cancel a previously-started timer */
  234. void stoptimer(int AorB) {
  235. event_t *q;
  236. if ( TRACE > 2 )
  237. printf(" STOP TIMER: stopping timer at %f\n",time);
  238. /* for (q=evlist; q!=NULL && q->next!=NULL; q = q->next) */
  239. for ( q = evlist; q != NULL; q = q->next )
  240. if ( ( q->evtype == TIMER_INTERRUPT && q->eventity == AorB ) ) {
  241. /* remove this event */
  242. if (q->next==NULL && q->prev==NULL) {
  243. /* remove first and only event on list */
  244. evlist = NULL;
  245. } else if ( q->next == NULL ) {
  246. /* end of list - there is one in front */
  247. q->prev->next = NULL;
  248. } else if ( q== evlist ) {
  249. /* front of list - there must be event after */
  250. q->next->prev = NULL;
  251. evlist = q->next;
  252. } else {
  253. /* middle of list */
  254. q->next->prev = q->prev;
  255. q->prev->next = q->next;
  256. }
  257. free(q);
  258. return;
  259. }
  260. printf("Warning: unable to cancel your timer. It wasn't running.\n");
  261. }
  262. void starttimer( int AorB, float increment ) {
  263. event_t *q;
  264. event_t *evptr;
  265. if ( TRACE > 2 )
  266. printf(" START TIMER: starting timer at %f\n",time);
  267. /* be nice: check to see if timer is already started, if so, then warn */
  268. /* for (q=evlist; q!=NULL && q->next!=NULL; q = q->next) */
  269. for ( q = evlist; q != NULL; q = q->next )
  270. if ( ( q->evtype == TIMER_INTERRUPT && q->eventity == AorB ) ) {
  271. printf("Warning: attempt to start a timer that is already started\n");
  272. return;
  273. }
  274. /* create future event for when timer goes off */
  275. evptr = (event_t *) malloc( sizeof( event_t ) );
  276. evptr->evtime = time + increment;
  277. evptr->evtype = TIMER_INTERRUPT;
  278. evptr->eventity = AorB;
  279. insertevent(evptr);
  280. }
  281. /************************** TOLAYER3 ***************/
  282. /* A or B is trying to stop timer*/
  283. void tolayer3( int AorB, pkt_t packet ) {
  284. pkt_t *mypktptr;
  285. event_t *evptr,*q;
  286. float lastime, x, jimsrand();
  287. int i;
  288. ntolayer3++;
  289. /* simulate losses: */
  290. if (jimsrand() < lossprob) {
  291. nlost++;
  292. if ( TRACE > 0 )
  293. printf(" TOLAYER3: packet being lost\n");
  294. return;
  295. }
  296. /* make a copy of the packet student just gave me since he/she may decide */
  297. /* to do something with the packet after we return back to him/her */
  298. mypktptr = (pkt_t *)malloc(sizeof(pkt_t));
  299. mypktptr->seqnum = packet.seqnum;
  300. mypktptr->acknum = packet.acknum;
  301. mypktptr->checksum = packet.checksum;
  302. for ( i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
  303. mypktptr->payload[i] = packet.payload[i];
  304. if ( TRACE > 2 ) {
  305. printf(" TOLAYER3: seq: %d, ack %d, check: %d ", mypktptr->seqnum,
  306. mypktptr->acknum, mypktptr->checksum);
  307. for ( i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
  308. printf( "%c", mypktptr->payload[i] );
  309. printf("\n");
  310. }
  311. /* create future event for arrival of packet at the other side */
  312. evptr = (event_t *)malloc(sizeof(event_t));
  313. evptr->evtype = FROM_LAYER3; /* packet will pop out from layer3 */
  314. evptr->eventity = (AorB+1) % 2; /* event occurs at other entity */
  315. evptr->pktptr = mypktptr; /* save ptr to my copy of packet */
  316. /* finally, compute the arrival time of packet at the other end.
  317. medium can not reorder, so make sure packet arrives between 1 and 10
  318. time units after the latest arrival time of packets
  319. currently in the medium on their way to the destination */
  320. lastime = time;
  321. /* for (q=evlist; q!=NULL && q->next!=NULL; q = q->next) */
  322. for ( q = evlist; q != NULL; q = q->next )
  323. if ( ( q->evtype == FROM_LAYER3 && q->eventity == evptr->eventity ) )
  324. lastime = q->evtime;
  325. evptr->evtime = lastime + 1 + 9*jimsrand();
  326. /* simulate corruption: */
  327. if (jimsrand() < corruptprob) {
  328. ncorrupt++;
  329. if ( (x = jimsrand()) < .75) /* corrupt payload */
  330. mypktptr->payload[0]='Z';
  331. else if (x < .875)
  332. mypktptr->seqnum = 999999;
  333. else
  334. mypktptr->acknum = 999999;
  335. if ( TRACE > 0 )
  336. printf(" TOLAYER3: packet being corrupted\n");
  337. }
  338. if ( TRACE > 2 )
  339. printf(" TOLAYER3: scheduling arrival on other side\n");
  340. insertevent(evptr);
  341. }
  342. void tolayer5(int AorB, char datasent[20]) {
  343. int i;
  344. if (TRACE>2) {
  345. printf(" TOLAYER5: data received: ");
  346. for ( i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
  347. printf("%c",datasent[i]);
  348. printf("\n");
  349. }
  350. }