package orm import ( "sync" ) // relType describes relation type type relType int8 // Of these three const ( hasOne relType = iota << 1 hasMany relType = iota << 1 belongsTo relType = iota << 1 ) // relation describes how tables are related type relation struct { *table f field on column key column } func (r relation) getAlias(q bool) string { if q { return SqlFlavor.Quote(r.getAlias(false)) } return r.f.getFieldName() } // relations holds all relation on types type relations struct { rmap map[relType][]relation m *sync.Mutex } // addRelation to collection. Requires fields to have equal type func (r relations) addRelation(rt relType, rel relation) { r.m.Lock() defer r.m.Unlock() if _, ok := r.rmap[rt]; !ok { r.rmap[rt] = make([]relation, 0) } if rel.on.getKind() != rel.key.getKind() { return } r.rmap[rt] = append(r.rmap[rt], rel) }