@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "os"
+ "fmt"
+ "bufio"
+ "config"
+ "regexp"
+ "strings"
+ "tools/rsa"
+ "tools/rsa/data"
+ "tools/common"
+type optval int
+const (
+ STD optval = 1 << iota
+ GEN optval = 1 << iota
+ RAGNAR optval = 1 << iota
+ BIRGER optval = 1 << iota
+ MATHEM optval = 1 << iota
+ CUSTOM optval = 1 << iota
+ SIGN optval = 1 << iota
+ CRYPTSIGN optval = 1 << iota
+func opt() optval {
+ fmt.Printf("Select option\n")
+ fmt.Printf("1: Set standard keys\n")
+ fmt.Printf("2: Generate new keys\n")
+ s := userInput("Option", false)
+ switch s[0] {
+ case '1':
+ return STD
+ case '2':
+ return GEN
+ default:
+ fmt.Printf("Unknown option, set standard.\n")
+ return STD
+ }
+func cryptOpt() optval {
+ fmt.Printf("Select option\n")
+ fmt.Printf("1: Read ragnars message\n")
+ fmt.Printf("2: Send Birger a message\n")
+ fmt.Printf("3: Encrypt/decrypt mathematica message\n")
+ fmt.Printf("4: Encrypt/decrypt custom message\n")
+ fmt.Printf("5: Sign/de-sign custom message\n")
+ fmt.Printf("6: Encrypt+sign/decrypte+unsign custom message\n")
+ fmt.Printf("7: Encrypt, sign and encrypt+sign\n")
+ s := userInput("Option", false)
+ switch s[0] {
+ case '1': return RAGNAR
+ case '2': return BIRGER
+ case '3': return MATHEM
+ case '4': return CUSTOM
+ case '5': return SIGN
+ case '6': return CRYPTSIGN
+ case '7': return EVERY
+ default:
+ fmt.Printf("Unknown option, set standard.\n")
+ return MATHEM
+ }
+func std1(r *rsa.RSA) bool {
+ fmt.Printf("* Setting standard-keys for r1\n")
+ return r.SetKeys(config.RSA_STD_1_D, config.RSA_STD_1_E, config.RSA_STD_1_N)
+func std2(r *rsa.RSA) bool {
+ fmt.Printf("* Setting standard-keys for r2\n")
+ return r.SetKeys(config.RSA_STD_2_D, config.RSA_STD_2_E, config.RSA_STD_2_N)
+func stdRagnar(r *rsa.RSA) bool {
+ fmt.Printf("* Setting ragnar-keys for r2\n")
+ return r.SetKeys(config.RSA_RAGNAR_D, config.RSA_RAGNAR_E, config.RSA_RAGNAR_N)
+func stdBirger(r *rsa.RSA) bool {
+ fmt.Printf("* Setting ragnar-keys for r2\n")
+ return r.SetKeys(config.RSA_BIRGER_D, config.RSA_BIRGER_E, config.RSA_BIRGER_N)
+func std(o optval, r1, r2 *rsa.RSA) bool {
+ switch o {
+ case RAGNAR:
+ return std1(r1) && stdRagnar(r2)
+ case BIRGER:
+ return std1(r1) && stdBirger(r2)
+ default:
+ return std1(r1) && std2(r2)
+ }
+func gen(o optval, r1, r2 *rsa.RSA) bool {
+ switch o {
+ r1.GenPrimes()
+ stdRagnar(r2)
+ case BIRGER:
+ r1.GenPrimes()
+ stdBirger(r2)
+ default:
+ r1.GenPrimes()
+ r2.GenPrimes()
+ }
+ return true
+func userInput(promt string, re bool) string {
+ reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
+ fmt.Printf("%s [enter]: ", promt)
+ msg, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
+ if !common.IsError(err, "Could not read from input\n") {
+ if re {
+ s := regexp.MustCompile("[a-zæøåA-ZÆØÅ., ]+").FindAllString(msg, -1)
+ msg = ""
+ for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+ msg += strings.ToLower(strings.Trim(s[i], "\n"))
+ }
+ }
+ return msg
+ }
+ return ""
+func main() {
+ r1 := rsa.New()
+ r2 := rsa.New()
+ if r1 == nil || r2 == nil {
+ fmt.Printf("Could not create RSA")
+ return
+ }
+ fmt.Printf("R1: %p\tR2: %p\n", r1, r2)
+ var keys bool
+ m := cryptOpt()
+ o := opt()
+ switch o {
+ case STD:
+ keys = std(m, r1, r2)
+ case GEN:
+ keys = gen(m, r1, r2)
+ }
+ if !keys {
+ fmt.Printf("Oh no!")
+ return
+ }
+ switch m {
+ case RAGNAR:
+ r2.Crack()
+ msg,_ := r2.ReadRecvFile()
+ d := r2.Set(data.TXT, data.Data(""))
+ d.Data().SetRaw(msg)
+ enc := d.AsNumbers().ToList()
+ fmt.Printf("%s\n", d.Repr())
+ dec := r2.Decrypt(enc)
+ fmt.Printf("%s\n", dec)
+ case BIRGER:
+ msg := userInput("Message to Birger", true)
+ enc := r1.Encrypt(msg, r2.Public().N, r2.Public().E)
+ fmt.Printf("Message to send to Birger:\n%v\n\n", enc)
+ case MATHEM:
+ msg := "dette er en liten test på hva som går an å gjøre med mathematica, mye annet og naturligvis."
+ fmt.Printf("Message to encrypt:\n%s\n\n", msg)
+ enc := r1.Encrypt(msg, r2.Public().N, r2.Public().E)
+ fmt.Printf("Encrypted message:\n%s\n\n", enc)
+ dec := r2.Decrypt(enc)
+ fmt.Printf("Decryptet message:\n%s\n\n", dec)
+ case CUSTOM:
+ msg := userInput("Your message", true)
+ fmt.Printf("Message to encrypt:\n%s\n\n", msg)
+ enc := r1.Encrypt(msg, r2.Public().N, r2.Public().E)
+ fmt.Printf("Encrypted:\n%v\n\n", enc)
+ dec := r2.Decrypt(enc)
+ fmt.Printf("DECRYPTED MESSAGE:\n%s\n", dec)
+ case SIGN:
+ msg := userInput("Your message", true)
+ fmt.Printf("Message to sign:\n%s\n\n", msg)
+ signed := r1.Sign(msg)
+ fmt.Printf("Signed:\n%v\n\n", signed)
+ unsign := r1.Unsign(signed, r1.Public().N, r1.Public().E)
+ fmt.Printf("Signed message:\n%s\n\n", unsign)
+ msg := userInput("Your message", true)
+ fmt.Printf("Message to crypt and sign:\n%s\n\n", msg)
+ encsign := r1.EncryptNSign(msg, r2.Public().N, r2.Public().E)
+ fmt.Printf("Encrypted and signed:\n%v\n\n", encsign)
+ decunsign := r2.DecryptNUnsign(encsign, r1.Public().N, r1.Public().E)
+ fmt.Printf("Uncrypted and unsigned msg:\n%s\n\n", decunsign)
+ case EVERY:
+ msg := userInput("Your message", true)
+ fmt.Printf("Message:\n%s\n\n", msg)
+ enc := r1.Encrypt(msg, r2.Public().N, r2.Public().E)
+ signed := r1.Sign(msg)
+ encsign := r1.EncryptNSign(msg, r2.Public().N, r2.Public().E)
+ fmt.Printf("Encrypted:\n%v\n\nSigned:\n%v\n\nEncrypted and signed:\n%s\n\n", enc, signed, encsign)
+ }