8 년 전 | |
README.md | 8 년 전 | |
branching_and_merging.md | 8 년 전 | |
changelog.md | 8 년 전 |
... something ...
giaever.org.Regards to the change in software where we now support https and ssh with git, and every repository is managed on-site and not back-end through XML-RPC anymore. BY NOW: Use it as you would have used GitHub, and if you're stuck - search for it on Google. Happy go lucky!
Yes you do, so please read
Print and copy your key:
$ cat ~/.ssh/KEYNAME # change KEYNAME to what you chose in previous step
$ sudo apt-get install xclip # Install xclip
$ xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/KEYNAME.pub # change KEYNAME and continue to next step
and add your key here (login required)
Clone your repo, to your local disk (note
the extra /git-directory):
$ git clone "repo url: either ssh or https>"
Browse into the directory you just cloned, and update
$ cd ./<repo name>
$ git commit -m 'Initial Commit' --allow-empty
$ git push && git pull
Set upstream to the branch your working on, which typically is master
initially. (But whenevery you make a new branch, this should be executed as well - if you want to push it to remote.)
git push --set-upstream origin master
If you havent set your username as global, you should set them for this repo. Use --global
flag after config to set it globally, for every repo.
git config user.email "My@email"
git config user.name "My name"
Then move your source files to the folder (or move the hidden .git folder from this folder, to where your source files is located), and do an initial commit from the directory containing the <.git folder>:
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "Added files to project"
$ git push
(Note the punctation after git add
, which adds all the files you have placed in this repo.)
You need to be approved to get an GIT account here, and there is no such thing as a registration form, so dont bother look for it.
But if your looking for a place to change your password your can do it here. But if you've forgotten it. Msg me ;)
Well. First of all it "cost money" (if you need several private repos), and if you have the knowlegde; why pay for it? :) Since I'm (and probably the users of this GIT) mostly can't share our code, its better to have our own solution which we can adapt to our needs.