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+ 126 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# HACS: Home Assistant Community Store (snap)
+HACS gives you a powerful UI to handle downloads of all your custom needs.
+See []( after installation.
+[![Get it from the Snap Store](](
+[![Donate with PayPal](](
+## Build and installation
+### Install from The Snap Store (Recommended)
+Make sure you have Snapd installed on your system. See [Installing snapd]( for a list of distributions with and without snap pre-installed, including installation instructions for those that have not.
+$ snap install home-assistant-hacs
+The snap `home-assistant-snap` is required and will automatically install if it isn't already, when installing `home-assistant-hacs`.
+#### Connect with Home Assistant
+Make sure that the connection is established (should be automatical), by executing
+snap connections
+If the connection is not in the returned list, execute
+snap connect home-assistant-hacs:components home-assistant-snap:components
+to make the connection. Now
+1. Go into Home Assitants **web-UI** > `configuration` > `integrations` and press the `+ sign`. 
+2. Search for HACS and select it from the list. 
+3. Continue with the configurations as described in the [official documentation]( 
+4. When the configuration is made and HACS is installed successfully, restart home-assistant-snap `snap restart home-assistant-snap`.
+### Build this snap from source
+We recommend that your download a pre-built version of this snap from [The Snap Store](, or at least make sure that you checkout the latest tag, as the master tag might contain faulty code during development.
+1. **Clone this repo and checkout the latest tag**
+$ git clone
+# Go into directory
+$ cd ./home-assistant-hacs
+# Checkout tag
+$ git checkout <tag>
+_**NOTE**: You can find the latest tag with `git ls-remote --tags origin`_
+2. **Build and install**
+Make sure you have snapd (see [Installing snapd]( and latest version of Snapcraft. Install Snapcraft with
+$ sudo snap install snapcraft --classic
+Or update with
+$ sudo snap refresh snapcraft
+2.2 **With multipass**
+From the «home-assistant-hacs»-directory, run
+$ snapcraft
+Multipass will be installed and a virtual machine will boot up and build your snap. The final snap will be located in the same directory.
+2.3 **With LXD** (*required* for Raspberry Pie)
+Snapcraft will try to install multiplass and build the snap for you, but on *Raspberry Pi* it will fail. You will have to use an LXD container.
+Install LXD and create a container
+$ snap install lxd
+$ snap lxd init
+Make sure your user is a member of lxd-group
+$ sudo adduser $USER lxd
+Launch an Ubuntu 20.04 container instance
+$ lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 home-assistant-hacs
+Make sure you're in the «home-assistant-hacs»-directory and go into the shell of your newly created container
+$ lxc exec -- home-assistant-hacs /bin/bash
+and run
+when the build is complete, you'll have to exit the shell and pull the snap-file from the container. See `lxc file pull --help`.
+3. **Install new built snap**
+$ sudo snap install ./home-assistant-hacs_<source-tag>.snap --dangerous
+Now, [connect HACS to Home Assistant](#connect-with-home-assistant).

+ 8 - 3

@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
-echo "Copyied data to Home Assistant:"
-echo "From:     $SNAP/hacs -"
-echo "To:       $CC/hacs"
+cp -rf "${SNAP}/hacs" "${CC}"
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+    logger "Failed to copy data"
+    logger "Copied ${SNAP_NAME} data to Home Assistant:"
+    logger "From:     $SNAP/hacs -"
+    logger "To:       $CC/hacs"

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #!/bin/sh -e
-echo "Removing ${CC}"
+logger "Removing ${SNAP_NAME} - ${CC}"
 rm -rf "${CC}"
 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-    echo "Removed: $SNAP_DATA/custom_components/hacs"
+    logger "Removed $SNAP_DATA/custom_components/hacs"